Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’ve simply stated the truth about what Gript is - they are a right-wing propaganda organisation affiliated to Youth Defence and a wider anti-science agenda. They are there to propagandise in favour of hard right-wing politics and to turn public debate into a culture war, or should I say kulturkampf. In the context of the pandemic that meant propagandising in favour of a “let it rip” agenda and attempting to create fake scandal about “enemies” that they believed would advance that agenda.

On December 24th we did not know exactly how much the B117 variant was a key driver of the pre-Christmas surge but given that 100k people had been coming in from the UK, the enttirely sensible thing was to presume it was a key driver. Even if it wasn’t a key driver in the Christmas period, which we did not know yet, it was obvious it would soon be so, and it indeed it became so and was already becoming so.

And irrelevant of the genomic sequencing of what was causing the surge, there was a massive surge. There was only one choice: lock down hard immediately.

That this has gained any traction as a “story” is truly baffling, I have that tune that Turkish drummer in the viral video was blabbing running around my head even thinking about how it got any traction. It seems to me a lot of people online have lost the ability to see the wood for the trees and jump on soap opera court intrigue type non-stories at the expense of much more important stuff, the one about Donnelly and tweet mentions is another non-story that somehow seems to have gained traction. Who the hell cares about a piece of tattle like that? It’s totally irrelevant.

Ok mate have a nice afternoon. If a group opposing government strategy literally state they are misleading the government and literally state they are doing so to advance their own agenda it’s ok as long as we lock down hard and something something Gript :grinning:


Nothing new there

What was said was entirely reasonable and also true.


I’d imagine most people are in favour of MHQ at the moment even if that’s likely to change

We’ve gone from ‘tis only a flu’ to ‘zero covid is the answer’ in the space of 48 hrs.

Fuck a duck.


Kildare coroner said 99 per cent of Covid deaths in Kildare had underlying condition. Mayo coroner saying Covid deaths have no scientific basis


Conspiracy theorists I suppose


I don’t think you’re correct here mate.

They’re also on the record as saying that the need to limit mention of lockdown and that zero covid has to be sold to people as the way out of lockdown, even though we know it means more lockdown. What was the other line about trying to scare people because people scare easier than institutions.

They might really believe their way is best, but they are entirely disingenuous.

You cannot take them at face value.

Why do I agree with Gript in most of their pieces?

I am mid 20s from a traditional FFG background. I play GAA and want a pint.

I’m hardly a right wing extremist?


You are now.


Clearly not,
but Gript is right wing populist claptrap, as with everything they’ll make sense some of the time. Some young people like yourself will read it and think ‘this guy is talking to me’, he doesn’t give a fuck about you, don’t fall down the rabbit hole.

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Well lockdown has always been the way of lockdown, but it’s not enough on its own. Melbourne had to lockdown to get out of lockdown, but they had to do lots of other things to stay out of it. The truth was scary. To scare people, all you had to do was tell the truth. A healthy degree of fear, which engenders respect for what we’re dealing with, has always been our ally. Blind positivity has always been our enemy.

I think it’s fine to be positive about vaccines because they are something it is perfectly logical to be positive about. My impression is that those who claim to be sick of negativity tend to be those who most want to wallow in it, and don’t want to be positive about things we should be positive about.

It’s hard not to agree with journalists who fight to end lockdown.

That Elisa O’Donovan councillor from limerick is another head banger that they have exposed. The same follows through with ISAG.

I don’t get lads on here who will call the likes of McGuirk a bollox when he is correct on certain issues.

Your views on Covid don’t define you as a person, I certainly wouldn’t judge McGurk on that, I’d agree with a lot of what he says but i won’t praise him for it, he’s a bollocks who is telling you what you want to hear.
He didn’t expose the councillor, those videos were in the public domain long before he piled in, he just tried to make hay with them, that is the modus operandi,


Did McGuirk get involved in that?

Correct. Never take candy from a madman

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McGuirk despises “you”, the reader here, in a generic sense, ie. everybody here.

Just like Ivor Cummins, Graham Neary and all other similar charlatans do. The logic of libertarian capitalism is that the worth of an opinion can only be measured by the amount of reaction it generates. The logic of these guys is to shout dumbed down, simplistic nonsense which is designed to be as seductive and persuasive on a primitive psychological level as possible, “ooh that makes sense”, advance conspiracy thinking and eternal victimhood, shout it as loud as they can and hope people listen. And to make money from these opinions.

At a wider level the ideology of these kind of projects is designed to completely discredit mainstream politics and institutions, turn people into ultra-cynical zombies doped up on a constant diet of negativity, who are then fodder for the simplistic right-wing populist demagogue.

This ideology rejects all the complexity of the world and issues within it, which is why it rejects science and vilifies education. It is unbelievably dangerous.

This is the formula which enabled Trump, Brexit, Putin, Orban and Modi, and enables Loyalist hatred.

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