Coronavirus - Here come the variants

No but Iā€™ve posted the link and given the time where sheā€™s interviewed and speaks about it.

Articles behind a paywall. Iā€™m pretending to watch hey duggee here so canā€™t listen.

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Donā€™t agree with covid 19 Pzizer vaccine trials for young children at all. Six month olds ffs.

Think its completely wrong. Theyā€™re at zero risk of the virus.

Donnelly said on radio at lunchtime that MHQ or a form of it would continue until evidence of vaccinations in place which he expected across EU, UK and North America - vaccine passports

Oā€™Donovan has come back fighting with a ā€œwhy always meā€ response. It is not fair for anyone to personally abuse her but she has still not addressed the issue of her actions.

Plenty of woke supporting her as expected.

I have no particular love of any media organisation but Gript and the IT with MP seems to be the only ones questioning anything atm. If they are cunts then I can live with that.

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Iā€™ll say something serious about that Oā€™Donovan woman - when she played the feminist card for her complaints about the prayers on the street in Limerick, she shouldnā€™t have done that. It was cynical, it was manipulative, it was disrespectful to feminists to religious people like.

Thatā€™s my final sermon of the week boys. I wish all you a good week ahead, especially those of you who hate me. I hope next week is better for you and less acrimonious than this one.

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What paper was that in?

Welcome to 12 months ago. This is the reason excess deaths is so valuable as it tells you what impact a pandemic has on overall deaths.


Sunday Indo

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Itā€™s bizzare really. Why was the focus so much on touch and hand sanitization at the start?
The 15 minute rule was another bizzare one.

Studies of CCTV in one quarantine hotel have shown a couple got infected by walking through a hallway, 20 seconds after a contagious couple had passed through it and closed their room door.

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The CCTV caught the virus on film, waiting to pounce?

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I think like all things medical they work from what is their experience of most likely to least likely and until now that was how respiratory illnesses spread. Thatā€™s then distilled to a ready to understand message and once engrained in media and minds is difficult to change as science and data changes.

The hotel was covered with cctv and that was the closest point the occupants came to interacting.

I have a few papers from last year that made a very strong case for this. One such example was Morawska L, Milton DK. It is time to address airborne transmission of COVID-19. Clin
Infect Dis 2020 (It is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of COVID-19). Itā€™s a short and easy read.

If we can accept that COVID-19 can be transmitted via airborne means, the next sensible step to take is to challenge the science behind mandating face coverings. There is definitely an argument that ā€œitā€™s better than doing nothingā€, but it is highly likely that airborne microorganisms can pass through a surgical mask and a dust respirator. There is also a growing body of research on the implications (physiological and psychological) of long-term wearing of face coverings. In my view, the route to take here would be to inform people of the potential benefits and risks and suggest that they carry out their own risk assessments with their GP or health practitioner. One size does not fit all.

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Thanks mate. You are focusing on one aspect of ā€œthe scienceā€ on masks, however. Itā€™s worth looking outside the narrow sphere of efficacy in preventing outward aerosol emission, and perhaps more specifically looking at other physiological and psychological impacts associated with their use.

Thanks buddy. Does this mean that we can both claim an internet victory?

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Where do barbers fit in there?

Personal services. 3rd week of June