Coronavirus - Here come the variants

  1. He’s a vet who did a bit of research 30 years ago.
  2. He’s full of shit.

Right lads, what did we miss?

Did gascun say no need to rush vaccinations as crisis was over?

Mary Hinge used to be a particular favourite of ours.

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Australia and NZ have no cases apparently, but within 2 days of the travel bubble commencing an airport worker in NZ tests positive.

Australia are deporting people convicted of crimes now.

That’s a lovely circle closing.


Staines on now saying to truck on with J&J

These first generation vaccines are only going to work longterm along with lockdowns, masks, social distancing and annual boosters.

There is no appetite from the government to ever open up things fully and go back to pre pandemic ways of life. Its not going to happen.

Didnt we stop astra zeneca last week? Should have thousands in the fridge.

We’ve 300k vaccines in the fridge and did 1000 doses on Sunday.

My source in NIAID tells me that these vaccines are expected to be problematic and will soon be replaced by a single dose, nasally administered version which is effective for all variants.
She says you can take that to the bank.

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I’m told the Cubans have 5 vaccines on the go. Including a nasal spray

North Korea down under

32 vaccinated people hospitalised in the UK. And the vast majority have only had one dose. Basically one in a million chance you end up in hospital.


I certainly won’t be telling anyone I told them so.

My father is 68 tomorrow and he is not taking his- totally rejecting it, which I’m happy about.

My mother is a different story, she is the same age and after a recent cancer scare its arguably probably prudent enough to be fair…I’ve tried but, look thats her choice.

Moral of the story is you can’t tell people what to do.

Heard that last week from an Indian IT guy

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All variants, that is unreal. :smile:

Its almost like they know that all the variants are bullshit.

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Sensational statistics if true. No wonder Luke O’Neill was so positive the other morning, you see.

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