Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Probably a George Soros conspiracy.

Exactly you have no answer.

Thatā€™s a conspiracy too.

The narrative is a lie when there is no facts supporting either end if the arguement in ireland?

Why is it possible for nphet to list out covid deaths daily for their narrative?

The narrative is a lie. Simple as.

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The data is being hidden. Itā€™s brushed under the carpet. The figures wonā€™t be available till 2023.

Why is this? Itā€™s almost like theyā€™ve got something to hide imo.


That narrative that the narrative is a lie. Is a lie.

All narratives are lies

Aye, itā€™s all a conspiracy. The illuminati are at work.

Also you producing 2020 figures not 2021.

Two totally different situations imo.

There was a togetherness and novelty to lock down last year.

That has completely gone out the window in 2021. So the stats your using arenā€™t really relevant.

Also the restrictions were definitely needed for most of 2020. We canā€™t say the same about now in my opinion.

Oh is that why you came crawling back? TFK is blessed to have you :rollseyes:

Iā€™ve produced the evidence we have. You have no evidence for your narrative, but sure fire away.

Iā€™ve no narrative sid.

My opinion is certain restrictions being eased could have a hugely beneficial effect on peopleā€™s lifeā€™s / well being and have little impact on case numbers/hospitalisations rising.

You posted a tweet about suicide in the Covid thread, not the Suicide thread. Thatā€™s narrative.


In a purely anecdotal experiment, I reckon my own negative taughts have increased by about 1000% over lockdown. I would say this follows through for many others.


Mental health is the far bigger worry short term, especially among young people. The baseline of adults reporting symptoms of depression in the US has been roughly 10% which is high enough to begin with, it was 42% in December 2020. A CDC study last June (an actual study not a reporter calling a few coroners who would talk to her) found that 10.7% of adults surveyed had seriously considered suicide in the past 30 days, compared to a study in 2018 that found 4.3% had considered suicide in the prior 12 months. Those are very scary statistics given what we know of the links between suicidal ideation and mental illness.


My negative thoughts have increased, particularly since January. This is mainly because of the existence of a pandemic and then my fatherā€™s death from Covid.

However I do not class this as a mental health crisis, I consider it to be very unfortunate real world events informing my mood, and I feel able to cope and muddle through. I consider my thoughts to be normal and logical.

But I am not casting any aspersions on anybody who feels they are struggling and feels they may not be able to cope.


Iā€™m sorry to hear this. TFK is a very poor support network, youā€™re one of the sounder posters. Negative thoughts as in youā€™re wasting your youth or what?

@Cheasty I will say that since the pandemic started the onlyboerson I know whoā€™s died died by his own hand and left a beautiful young family. Statistically that would be pretty similar to the experience of most people my age. I appreciate it wasnā€™t your experience.

I also posted about a cousin of mine, also with a young family whose business collapsed and he had a complete mental breakdown, ended up in hospital. He was after being forced to make people redundant. He had big responsibilities. There is no way whatsoever from the guy I know that he would have suffered that breakdown without the lockdown and it could easily have killed him. When I posted it here I was a little shocked, well meaning posters saying he had a self-image of himself as a very successful person, etc.


I understand it has hit you differently and Iā€™m sorry to hear of your loss.

At the other end of the scale there are hundreds of thousands at their peak years who are not allowed play GAA, go for a pint, get a proper education because of our internal policy. I agree with @BruidheanChaorthainn that any easing would be a help. Golf next week is a start for many.

I have plenty of older friends and family too so I can see there point but without offending the middle aged and older people too much the young have done enough. We need a break.


I have not denied that the pandemic has been difficult for people, and for all sorts of different reasons. How could it not be?

All suicides are tragedies.

All Iā€™m saying is that there is no evidence for a statistically significant increase in suicides.

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I am at an age where I have 2-3 years before big world of mortgage, family etc will kick in. Similarly at a peak with my sporting hobby.

A full year wasted with fuck all to show for it. Itā€™s tough going from 5 training sessions a week, a night out every fortnights, countless events and holidays to WFH with nothing to do.

They could have loosened restrictions at various stages like now that would have helped. it was not worth it.