Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Again Sidney you can’t answer a very simply question because you know the answer is of course yes. they could ease certain restrictions to give people a break without any increase in risk.

Why you are trying to deny this is bizarre.

Your pub may not have been open but plenty were. They shouldn’t have been.


You’ve posted a bullshit, loaded question with your agenda baked into it. That’s not how you’re supposed to ask questions. It’s how trolls “ask questions”.

And you refuse to face up to what you’re doing - pushing a lying, cynical, manipulative agenda.

Those who do that never own up to what they’re doing. Because facts don’t matter to them.

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I’m pretty sure the Sliding Rock and McGinn’s are pubs.

Why can’t you admit the current level of restrictions are unnecessary?

I’m bringing it up because too many people want it covered it up.

You won’t hear rte report it. You won’t hear any mainstream media report it.

Simply because it doesn’t suit the narrative.

That’s not cynical.


That’s your view. I thoroughly disagree with you. I think they are necessary.

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Well at least you are answering the question but I don’t believe you genuinely believe we need to have this level of restrictions currently.

just to be clear I wasn’t talking about opening up pubs or that sort of thing.

Not claiming they were all connected, ffs who knows what’s going through peoples heads, but there is an increase. A dog with a mallet up its hole can see that. Dr death can read out covid deaths daily spanning months yet as barney said we will have to wait years for cso figures.

Facts aren’t out there but the absence of facts is also wrong


Do you think we’d be out of lockdown by now if the pubs that serve food weren’t open for a week or two around Christmas?

He’s been at it for a year… Using suicide, mental health, domestic violence and I think he posted up a homeless post today… All he wants is the pubs open and he’s not afraid to use any moral argument to get back into a pub.


In the US suicides went down in 2020. Internationally, what evidence we have appears to show no statistically significant increase in suicides.

The reason I object to the narrative that Covid has caused an increase in suicides is that there appears to be no evidence for it, ie. it’s a cynical lie.

But sure Ewan said it, so it must be true.

They literally weaponise covid deaths every day as they refuse to distinguish between deaths from covid and deaths with covid.

Yet when a newspaper ran with a story how vaccinated people had died in January the reason as to why they passed away was published very quickly.


They were open for over three weeks. I think we’d be in lockdown, but we’d likely have a lot less cases and lot less people dead. And we’d probably be able to open quicker come the summer than we will do.

Look mate, if your happy to stay indoors avoid people due to a fear of covid fire away. Do what you want. Don’t tell me what you think I should/shouldn’t do due to your fear.

Saying that no one is affected by this mentally and haven’t killed themselves due to the situation is ridiculous, also claiming that there isnt an effect is nonsense. Let people live their lives without restrictions and let them have their choice. Its simple as that. By forcing restrictions your forcing some people into a corner.


But you’re weaponising causes of death with that post.

Why can’t they distinguish the deaths from covid and with covid?

@Cheasty when do you suggest the pubs open ? While we are on the topic.

You don’t sound great craic now based on this but I’d love a drunken argument.

Now you’re accusing me of saying stuff I didn’t say.

The point is a simple one. There is no evidence of a statistically significant increase in suicides during the pandemic.

Yet there is a narrative being pushed that there is.

That narrative is a lie.

Don’t you think people should stop spreading this lie?