Coronavirus - Here come the variants

What’s becoming increasingly clear is that nothing is off limits when it comes to point scoring for you, all of societies ills, things you do nothing to support despite having all the time in the world on your hands


Almost as bad as including people who died in Hospice in the Covid death statistics.


Agreed, but not relevant here

He has continually exposed himself as a sick and very selfish individual throughout this pandemic. You’re better off not bothering.


That’s what the authorities have done.

Are we holding random anonymous internet posters to a higher standard than chief medical officers now?

People who died in car accidents have gone down as covid deaths. Nobody questions it.

The government aren’t releasing suicide stats till 2023. Anybody who questions it gets a load of personal abuse hurled at them.

You’d wonder who’s trying to create a narrative…

I’ve agreed with you, why are you still asking? It’s a completely different topic and as usual I have better things todo than get into t with you

Middle aged Ireland had enjoyed lock down.

Very interesting.

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So, to clarify, we are holding random anonymous internet posters to a higher moral standard than the CMO?

The medical authorities have no moral conscience about manipulating death figures to push their agenda, that has been proven from day one.

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I said it at the start, it’s not been much of a burden for young married couples and people with families. Their life basically consisted around chauffering their kids about at weekends and providing for them at that point. If their employment has been secure then they have missed out on little in reality.


Vulnerable protected. OIUTF ta fuck

I only post on TFK, if I had an audience with mr Houlihan I’d have plenty of questions.

My point is quite specific, I find the sensationalist dropping of articles reporting suicides in this thread to be reprehensible, at least until we see overall figures, suicide is always with us, I’ve been touched numerous times, I’m sure you have also, it doesn’t need to be weaponised.
Please stay on topic

That’s standard practice.


At least they are going to school. Most of mine have been physically in school for only seven weeks this academic year.

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Nothing should be weaponised but when the CMO and medical figures have manipulated deaths since day one and are enabled to do so by a complicit media to push that agenda then all cards are off the table really.


Nobody is weaponising anything only him. Everything is point scoring and everything is weaponised with him. At every opportunity he’s rubbed it in people’s faces at how much he’s enjoyed lock down.

Just ask yourself two questions.

Do you believe the current level of restrictions are right and have they been right the past few weeks?

Do you think the restrictions have negative impact on people’s well being?

Surely if you believe the level of restrictions are unnecessary you have concerns about their impact on people?

Well my answers would be pretty definitive on those three.




People who can’t acknowledge that clearly have an agenda at play.

They are generally the same type of people who will hold hold up someone like McConkey who has been proven wrong about almost everything he has predicted as some sort of credible witness but will happily engage in misinformation and selective quoting to discredit another “expert” with a conflicting view.


Nail on the head.

I was just reading there that Irish people are actually loving lockdown. So it seems the current restrictions must be right if the majority are enjoying them? Found it odd myself but it looks like Nphet have got it spot on.

How many do you have ??