Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Looks like youā€™re in a minority - the majority of Irish people are thriving and enjoying lockdown.

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Have I really? Thereā€™s news to me.

Youā€™re an awful liar, you donā€™t know what Iā€™ve had to deal with, youā€™re clearly a very selfish child, you have no qualms about bringing he nastiest stuff to the table,
Youā€™ve told shocking lies about me in the past and I donā€™t see the pattern changing.
Why donā€™t you use some of your spare time to help the role youā€™re so worried about instead of using them as an excuse to continue youā€™re wasteful life as you see fit.

Youā€™re whinging about being bored yet you do nothing to help yourself, try to get a job, do a course, some voluntary work

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You literally Couldnā€™t make up.

Gambling and drinking cider at home like a loser and then moaning about mental health/suicide/domestic violence/homelessness - me bollix. He just wants to go to Kerry and drink more and gamble moreā€¦ did he ever finish that pretend college course?

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Thereā€™s a lot of nastiness from the lockdown crew here.


Are 16% of 50-59s frontline staff or at risk?

Could have health issues as well tbf as 104k have been vaccinated in the 16-69 at very high risk.

A lot of civil servants have managed to get itā€¦

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@glasagusban was bumping his gums about Tusla staff getting it. Saying how amoral it was that none of them thought it was wrong and didnā€™t put their hands up to object to getting one. He called for sackings over it.

Then he got one next week himself and now wonā€™t divulge under which of the 4 cohorts he qualified for.

As far as Iā€™m aware before AZ was curtailed it was being used pretty much all for frontline healthcare workers.

Frontline workers in that bracket would be done

My mother works for the HSE but not front line and not even near a hospital and her and all colleagues got it. Sheā€™s a murderer just like Glas.


Some fellas on here would reminiss the craic they had in their youth yet scold fellas at that age for wanting that now. Both sides can scream itā€™s selfish. Open up and its then a decision based on personal responsibility. Why are people expecting the goverment to implement their views on everyone else with restrictions.

No one here wants to deny young lads having the craic - hiding behind suicide and mental health to moan about not going to the pub and like you care is a different story.

I hope all young bulls are ramming heifers sooner rather than later.

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Five. I donā€™t know how i do it etc etc. The youngest lad is in primary and they were back for about three months, the rest all on line. Primary going back next Monday.


Thats tough going alright

I disagree with hiding behind those stats. Itā€™s a good indicator for how it is affecting people, people at risk probably woth other issues but blantley attacking someone for highlight this isnā€™t on. We all want pints craic etc no matter what age you are but as I said I know of 3 suicides of people I would know in the last 3 months, whether the restrictions are related is debatable. But you need to be more conscious that its it might be alright for you but attacking lads for highlighting this as you perceive them to just want to piss and moan about not having a pint under another guise is very unfair. Covid is an incredibly complex topic

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Listen, the individual here is a nasty vicious bastard so excuse me if I disagreeā€¦


Iā€™d be more worried for the kids. They are missing out a huge amount in not having social interactions.


I suppose at least they have each other ā€¦must be quite isolating for single child families .

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