Coronavirus - Here come the variants

As far as I can see no country has been added or subtracted since 15 April.

You can take the man out of Sheares Streetā€¦

I think the parts where schools have been shut have been very difficult for many but the younger folk have seen more opportunities taken from them on a consistent basis. Travel, employment and social opportunities have been limited for over a year.

San Marino is still on the list though. That will have a big impact youā€™d feel

I wasnā€™t referring to the kids, I was referring to parents bemoaning the opportunity to spend time with their kids, most specifically younger kids which most lads on here have.

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Sure Israel were added to the list based on data from a month previous. Theyā€™ll have a meeting at some stage next week and add India. There will also be another meeting at some stage where they might or might not approve J&J for use. Itā€™s an emergency you see.


The UK brought in MHQ for India this morning I think. Was talking to one of my Indian colleagues this morning. Said that C-19 is everywhere. They thought they had the virus beaten and opened up everything. Election rallies, religious festivals the works. They are back on 9pm curfews now.

I thought they were meeting on it yesterday to decide.

When you read this and listen to the comments of the Dept of Health in the High Court last week, itā€™s clear it was all over the shop at the beginning;

They are likely going to have to be more careful on what they say on it. Thereā€™s a chap on Twitter who is into travel who has been trying to hunt down the reasoning. Iā€™ll find it.

Lads crying about how slow the vaccine roll out is still whinging about people getting the vaccine.


As a matter of interest I think Conor Power SC represented Tadgh de Burch in his unsuccessful appeal to the DRA after the 2017 AI QF.

This is the fella and the thread

Here they have to stick to their ā€˜bubblesā€™, absolutely no opportunity to join mainstream etc

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That criteria is Zero Covid in all but name. If our rates went down to Icelandā€™s level, using the 2.5x rule, everywhere bar the UK would be excluded.

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Anyone establish who the Travel Advisory Group are yet?

Odd it seems to be shrouded in secrecy

Only morons answer polls

Darina Oā€™Flanagan is almost certainly on it given she made comments in the High Court

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But not applied as such. Itā€™s finger in the air (ironically) stuff.

Gerry Killeen and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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The ā€œtravel advisory expert groupā€ (:roll_eyes:) meets to review and make recommendations every two weeks. Itā€™s one of the criticisms the European Commission had.

I donā€™t know how you do it comrade :muscle: