Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Well this is the point; we don’t know if the restrictions are related so why bother speculate about it in a thread about restrictions.

A huge issue. Their brains are still developing and having various lockdowns thrown at them is bound to have an impact.

True but can also create resilience too…

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A classic I’m alright jack response from @gilgamboa.


Surely all the over 80s are close to full vaccination here at this stage? I see more blood clot fear mongering today too, need to speed the roll out up by any means.

You must have great broadband

Where did I say I was alright?

Can you list 5 positive things you have done in the past 12 months?

I do actually. Moved house just before the lockdown and got fiber optic. Got the internet cabled into the walls so we don’t have the usual drop offs with the wifi depending on where you are sitting.

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wow, a survey of about four thousand people done through facebook mainly it seems. I wonder who would have time on their hands to be doing online questionnaires. Well, we are all grand, lockdowns for ever.


Especially for special needs children. Even when they’re in school many of them are denied the experience they’re entitled to…have to keep the teachers safe etc

La di dah

You’re a long way from Sheares St now

Fucking ping King over here!

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What are you referring to here specifically if you don’t mind me asking? Genuine enquiry

I was just playing along with the silly games above, mate. Calm down.

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You are only young once Gil, they have given up the most for little to no reward.

It’s tough being a parent in these times as well but the young have carried a bigger burden.


Apparently India is absolutely riddled with Covid but It’s not on the list of countries that you have to mhq on entry here. That’s odd in fairness.

I find it bizarre a parent bemoaning the fact that they got to spend more time with their children. Incredibly strange.

Youre only any age once mate.

I thought they were getting added?

They don’t actually have a VOC.

The list is made up on the hoof. I suspect if they haven’t added them that it’s down to what happened in court last week. They know they played silly with the initial list but need to actually stick to reasoning now.