Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Well based on what I have read from reputable journals, he has done more than gain a few likes on a chat forum.

Cards not punched till 4pm.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds


Weā€™re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the SARS ā€¦


Iā€™ll see you on the roof for A bottle of suds at 4pm.

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Can you post up a link to what he has said or written?


Is he a nut ball?

Possibly, like Einstein. Iā€™m just interested in the scientific claims heā€™s making and whether there is any merit or not in what he has to contribute to the debate.

The reason I alluded to his illustriousness, was because of peoples need to immediately discredit people who oppose the mainstream narrative.

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Who was bigging up India and herd immunity not so long ago? The place is falling apart now.

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Its done. Variants mean fuck all to the vaccine. Yeah science bitch.

Pints pints pints

If I were a rich man is his best song.


We are pushing up to near 1 billion vaccine doses administered worldwide, so if his claim is true that 1% of people vaccinated will have serious blood clotting issues, thatā€™s 10 million people. So somehow these 10 million have been hidden from view (maybe secretly cremated like in Wuhan?) and we have only heard about a small number of serious cases.

I donā€™t know enough Immunology to argue with his explanation of why the vaccines are going to decimate the human population, but it doesnā€™t appear to be happening. I do know that the Covid virus enters the blood stream (he claims it doesnā€™t and stays in the lungs) as those with serious illness have issues in multiple organs, the kidneys, liver, brain and blood vessels. The ACE2 receptors that the virus binds to are all over the body, not just the lungs, including the lining of blood vessels. Which is why blood clotting is also an issue with Covid, serious blood clotting (CVT) is seen at a rate 10X higher than from the vaccines (both are rare). So, the same rare side effect from Covid and the vaccines suggest to me the immune system is reacting the same to both.

On PCR testing, he is largely right, the test can be too sensitive and pick up fragments of dead virus. But, if there were a large number of false positives, then the Case Fatality Rate is actually much higher than currently thought. I agree with him that people aged 70 and below who are in good health are not at significant risk of death from Covid, but a lot of people in the 40 - 70 range are getting sick enough to be hospitalized.

But his biggest claim is that the vaccines donā€™t work or canā€™t work, and that seems to be discredited by the results. The goal of a vaccine is to stop disease and both the results of the clinical trial and now the roll out of the vaccines are demonstrating that those vaccinated are not getting sick and not ending up in hospital. Where is this disaster he is talking about in Israel? or in the UK or the US where hundreds of million doses have been administered?

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I think itā€™s too early to say that yet. We have no idea what long term effects there might be.

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The Dury is out on him.


We may not know everything about the long term effects of the vaccines (or Covid for that matter), but we do know they work as we can see the same antibodies in people who are vaccinated and people who have had Covid, and the great majority of people who are vaccinated are not getting sick. He does state the vaccines donā€™t work, and gives a reason (the vaccines are in the blood stream but the virus is in the lungs) but I believe he is wrong as the virus clearly circulates in the blood stream .

The Zero Coviders will be seething that the vaccines work


How could someone of his experience not know that? Is he trying to deceive people?