Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I haven’t heard of one person who advocates Zero Covid/aggressive suppression who isn’t fervently pro-vaccine and doesn’t think vaccines are the primary tool we have to remove Covid as a scourge.

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Who said what in the where now.

I’m gonna Bhakdi vaccine

He knows a lot more than I know about immunology, but he could still be wrong. We need to find a good immunologist to weigh in.

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They’ve admitted as much.

India is definitely a case study about how you shouldn’t be too hubristic in thinking this thing is done with. The B1617 variant has to be considered of serious concern at this stage. I think it’ll make inroads in Britain, so we definitely have to be concerned about it. It could be our equivalent of the Battle of the Bulge.

Thread follows from this tweet:

In a country of 1.4 billion people, at least 500 million of whom live in overcrowded cities, and 200 million in unsanitary slums, I honestly have no idea how you would stop a highly infectious airborne virus spreading. I think the main hubris here is people stating they should obviously lock down and work from home.

We somehow have to ramp up vaccine production and make getting it to India in large quantities a high priority. It should probably be a higher priority than vaccinating young healthy people in westerns countries.


It would have been a good idea if 650,000 people hadn’t gone to that Hindu festival last week I think.

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hiding GIF by Clemens Reinecke

Agree with that but how would you propose stopping them? It would be like trying to stop Irish people drinking.

Well we’ve done that as regards pubs anyway. I think stopping 650,000 people travelling to a festival is one of the easier things you can do.

Shite, it’s apparently nearly 5 million in a week.

One event, the Kumbh Mela religious festival in the northern city of Haridwar, has already attracted nearly 5 million largely non-mask wearing Hindu pilgrims to the banks of the holy Ganges River this week.

They’ve gone into hiding I’d imagine.

A friend of the wife’s was onto her midweek speaking out against the vaccine. Her and husband would be into alternative remedies and treatments and not all of it rubbish but they’ve gone down the anti vaxx rabbit hole and she reckons there’s thousands in the UK with clots that we’re not hearing about… Hundreds in Ireland supposedly, 18 alone in CUH that she was told of from Una and Mary down the road… I could only laugh. All these people dying / sick with clots and thousands more dying with hemorrhages apparently and only a few people know about them … no onee in the press talking about it and all medical staff in the western world keeping stum about it but the anti vaxxers have figured it out.


A billion vaccinated world wide and surely another billion have probably had it by now yet cases globally have never been higher and rising rapidly.

What the fuck is going on and are we really going anywhere?

The billion vaccinated are mostly rich western countries and the numbers are falling in all those countries.

There’s more than two billion people in the world?

There’s lads bleeding out of their eyes here outside the Aviva. You won’t see that on RTÉ.

A wife of our mutual friend has similar strong beliefs also you probably won’t be surprised to hear. Going from the odd snippets I see from her on Facebook. They believe what they want to believe. The good old Internet rabit hole.


The Internet has a lot to answer for.

Dr Martin Feeley vs Sam McDonkey on primetime from before Christmas is actually well worth a watch, good debate and the zero covid zealot is fairly quietened.