Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Also known as the Chinese robbers fallacy. Its rampant on this thread.

“a bigot”

The fact I am a trillion times more intelligent than you is hard for your ego to take. But take it, that ego, must.

You were whingeing the other day about lads maybe sending out “a bat whistle” to draw me on you. Now you are turning noctilionine yourself.

There is stupid and there is your stupid.

You bore me, acutely. Now fuck off.

Facts are dishonest, apparently.

115 people dying per hour is nothing, according to the deniers. And they’re only the official figures, which we all know are a massive undercounting.

The next time there’s an Islamist terrorist attack - and let’s remember that there’s quite a large overlap between the Covid deniers and the “Islam is an existential threat to the West” posters, I must make sure to wheel that one out to see how they react.

Literally nobody has said what is happening in India is fine. Bizarre line to take.


What’s happening in India is fine.


Yet a number of posters are displaying clear discomfort at what is happening in India being brought up and trying to downplay what is happening.

One even said “look over there - Perth!”

It’s a very strange tack to take.


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Not as bizarre as the little tirade about Islamic extremists on a discussion regarding covid in India but nothing surprises me here anymore.


From what I can see a few posters commented on context or lack thereof. Nobody said it was fine. You are lying when you post that. Stop lying lies make baby Jesus cry.

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Not really. There is a clear attempt to downplay what is happening on the part of several posters and a refusal to consider the almost certain likelihood that what is happening is a drastic undercounting.

This sort of stuff happens because certain posters take wrong positions and then spend a year trying to deny these wrong positions were wrong because they can’t get over their planet sized INTERNET persona egos.

Sure why stop now, after a year, might as well go the whole hog, go full Michael MacNamara.

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Speaking of context

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How are we almost certain of this?

Nobody had said what is happening is fine. That’s just a fact.

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So why all the tut tutting?

Wouldn’t it be better to just admit that what is happening is a grotesque humanitarian catastrophe?

It’s being widely reported. Probably a conspiracy though.

Well thankfully the US is responding and sending millions of vaccine doses to India. Which of course is the only way to alleviate the situation there.

Wouldn’t it be better for you to not lie about what people say and then twist yourself into all shapes with mental gymnastics to make the lie out to be some sort of a version of truth? It’s awful that so many people are dying of Covid in India but you and the other headcase seem to be celebrating it as some sort of vindication on your stance on restrictions.

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But I’m not lying. Now you’re going mad by lying saying I’m celebrating the deaths of many thousands of people.

Not sure why you expect to be taken in any way seriously after that.

Why do you post on here if your only comeback to people that disagree is to tell them to fuck off or insult their intelligence?


But you did lie, that’s the nub of it.