Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Not sure you should be commenting on Covid in India.


Are India faring out worse than the majority of European countries?

You made the ‘done with covid’ comment. Prob best to leave it after such an uninformed prediction.

When did this new found concern for people dying from infectious diseases in India emerge?

Over 100 people an hour die from TB and Diarrhoeal diseases in India and have been doing so for a few millennia, two diseases that are literally now unheard of in the west. But it’s shocking that 100 people an hour are dying from Covid, a serious and highly contagious respiratory disease. Even though before Covid 200 people died each hour in India from respiratory and lung diseases

The level of stupidity that Covid has exposed is truly staggering.



Not sure how it’s possible to scaremonger over something that’s actually happening.

Yeah, India is doing just fine. No problem at all.

Nobody is saying it’s fine.

It’s clearly a serious situation.

Well, if posters are not saying it’s fine and nothing to worry about, what are they saying?

Seems there’s a lot of disquiet among certain for mentioning a few facts. And when I say facts, I mean severe underestimations, ie, the real truth is a lot worse than what these posters are objecting to.

Why is that, I wonder?

Lads don’t like having cosy groupthink narratives disturbed, that’s why.

Nobody has said that.

Can you verify the real truth?

You have a very subjective view which is fine but it is not supported by the data.

European countries which have had draconian lockdowns have had it much worse than India in the relative metrics. That is what the data says and you can choose to overlook that with your inherent bias but it just means that all you have is an opinion that is unsupported.

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Fuck off, you clown, with all the other clowns. Who asked you to interact with me? Suicide is only a rhetorical trope with you, which makes you the lowest of the low. You could not give two flying ones about any suicide. If not for the pandemic, you would anoint suicides as weak people, remote from edgelord fuckwits such as yourself and certain others.

How many people does Bill Gates have killed each day, these days?

The Aughnacloy Shaman… Anti wisdom, in a nutshell.

So certain posters are not saying it’s fine but they’re not saying it’s not fine either.


Big numbers syndrome.

I am happy that the US are finally releasing AZ stock but it is not like the situation is that much worse than many South American countries a few weeks ago.

Even the health authorities have said that India does not have a VOC, and the vaccines appear to work on it, yet the public clamoured to put them on the MHQ list. Sending a few oxygen tanks won’t absolve the moral stain of cutting them off. We are turning into grubby Australians, the likes of whom blamed an Indian for the Perth outbreak. All for having the temerity to go and get married, and still quarantining when they get back.

You’re a bigot. There are two sides to the story and you are only interested in one.


I have lost more brain cells through sneezing than you have ever possessed.

Ah yeah, Perth is the real problem, not India.


Nobody is saying that what is happening in India isn’t serious.

But there are a number of posters like @malarkey who are being extremeley dishonest and misleading in what they post.

The relative numbers in India would be 10 reported Covid deaths in Ireland. In February 100 deaths were reported in Ireland, around 8 weeks into a Level 5 lockdown.

Is he being dishonest for almost certainly drastically underplaying the real toll?

You don’t know that. You are conflating opinion with fact.

But you’re saying that what’s being widely reported is dishonest.

How could it be dishonest?

Because you don’t like facts which conflict with your narrative?