Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Just to add on to that analogy you donā€™t need to run on with the magic sponge every time someone does either!

Get fucked you horrible cunt!

Any better?

Sorry that was uncalled for.

Wouldnā€™t you only love to see that! :kissing_heart:

Ah here read it back there will ya, youā€™d hardly call that boots flying would you? Sid did his standard tactic of misrepresenting or downright lying about what other posters said and then repeating it until it becomes accepted truth in his eyes. There was no name calling and Sid graciously accepted defeat when pushed on it and we move on. It was fairly tame by TFK standards in most peopleā€™s eyes Iā€™d say.

Now you just got weird.

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Very well then and congratulations on your internet victory.

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Hard to make upā€¦ The OIUTFers have got so much so wrong that I suppose they must be fierce dizzy, like children getting off a Tramore carousel.

Look, as amply shown, I can rinse any of them any time I want ā€“ no great boast, since they are so limited. I do not bother except when some particularly stupid comment pinches boredom.

There are, in the main, weirdo right wingers on OIUTF. They have their cookie cutter position on state intervention to defend; they have a personality alibi position to defend (ā€˜Iā€™m not obnoxious ā€“ just right wingā€™); they have a faux macho nonchalance to display, like a goatee (ā€˜You cannot do away with deathā€™). Basically, they are former members of the gaming community who were never less than anxious about their masculinity.

Then you have the weirdo left wing OIUTFers, against everything and for nothing. Basically, the Aughnacloy Shaman is a nihilist with egotistical stupidity for a flotation device.

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Per C4 News: according to the mathematical models of the University of Michigan who are studying the crisis in India, deaths are 2-5 times bigger than reported, cases are likely 10 times bigger than reported.

And now youā€™re dealing in misinformation and misrepresentation.

You do realise that this severely discredits any argument you make.

I said @malarkey is a dishonest poster. He is. He has posted a number of inaccuracies.

I did not say that his statistic about 115 deaths an hour in India is not true. I said it was the equivalent of 10 daily deaths in Ireland and he was being sensationalist.

Maybe you should you start trying to be objective.


That doesnā€™t make it certain. Itā€™s a university study that is guessing.

ā€œI donā€™t like what they are saying. So I pay it no heed.ā€

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Personally I think itā€™s stupid lumping peopleā€™s views into the two opposing TFK acronym groups and assigning sets of beliefs to them, and Iā€™ve disagreed with both ā€œsidesā€ on variously different aspects but then Iā€™d be one of the top five most smartest posters on TFK.


Iā€™ve listened to what you have said and there is no way you can conclude that it is certain. Itā€™s anything but certain.

It may be true, it may not. You are trying to pass off your opinion as fact.

I think itā€™s quite ironic that you give out about not having your argument heard. You continually undermine your argument by misrepresenting the views of others.

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That better be performative.

No thatā€™s a lie. Hereā€™s what you said.

Why do you have to tell lies?

The fog of bore.

Thatā€™s a really stupid post mate. You can do better in fairness.

ā€œYouā€™re not dishonest, Iā€™m dishonest. Wait, hang on a minute, I got that the wrong way around. Are you still listening?ā€