Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That post in no way backs up your point.

I said he was dishonest and deals in misinformation. I did not say that the 115 deaths per hour was false.

This is classic example of your dishonesty and misrepresentation.

That’s a typical empty comment from you.

Sid said something that is clearly not verifiable is certain and he backed it up with a university study that uses vague terms to suggest the possibility of something.

The only conclusion I can make here is that it would take a very stupid person to come to the interpretation you ended up at.

“I lie about what other posters said and then accuse them of lying! Give me a prize!”

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That’s sounds intuitively in the ballpark. The official number of deaths reported to the WHO from India is ~10 million a year, but estimates range from 17 million to 27 million.

I see you don’t want to engage in matters of fact.

You accused other posters of sayin what was happening in India was fine. Nobody said that, you never put anything forward to support that and that is why you undermine and argument you make with these kind of strawmen arguments.

You then classify something that is clearly guesswork and uses vague language to conclude their estimates as certain.

It’s blatant confirmation bias and if you want your arguments to have credibility you need to a) stop misrepresenting others b) stop manipulating the truth.


“Word salad.”

There was most definitely a number of attempts to downplay the situation in India, trading between the llines you’d have to think they were saying it’s no worse than what we have had here in Ireland, a comparison to 10 deaths a day was made a number of times,

The comparison with 10 deaths a day in Ireland is factual.

It’s also factual that I said the situation in India is serious. But so was the situation in February in Ireland 8 weeks in Level 5 lockdown.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is in a foxhole and has the three or four lads pinned down. They’ve called in air support but that ain’t going to cut it

You are all but special needs…

Would ten deaths a day in Ireland – or the infection rate behind it, more to the point – have the implications for international air travel that India’s situation does?

I posted the article, without in the slightest emphasizing death rate. As I have long stressed, through layman’s common sense, infection rate rather than death rate is the nub of this terrible and tragic situation.

The OIUTF morons love death rate the way your standard pub bore loves saying: ‘How does the virus know you ate pizza?’

It’s chicken goujons actually

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy said India were done with Covid but when someone posts a link to a factual statistic that at least 115 people are dying from Covid every hour he calls that poster dishonest. The mob then join in to back him up.

Atypical TFK.

At it’s peak in Ireland there were 50 to 100 deaths a day for a few weeks in mid January to early February. Similar rate to the rest of western Europe at the time. Adjusted for population that translates to 14,000 to 28,000 deaths a day in India. India is reporting roughly 3,000 deaths a day, so to be at the same level as Ireland in January their reporting would need to be 5X to 10X off.

Lost in all this conversation is how people think India or the world for that matter should be responding. Getting vaccines there urgently would appear to me to be the only measure that would make any difference.


@mikehunt with a series of lies and misinformation.

When you have to go to those depths that you do it’s clear you’re a headbanger.

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1.3 billion. I spose it’s more of a continent than a country? I’d say theres lads in india who’ve never heard of covid

1.4 billion, but it could be undercounted.


Good point, well argued.

You’re now going around repeating lies again and again.


Sure you could have a million of a pick for a club team

How come so many cunts in the west care so much about India all of a sudden. A country myred in poverty, infant mortality, social injustice and not a word. Now that they are dying with covid (not of), they can’t care enough. Had they cared sooner and India had been better prepared, it wouldn’t have come to this. The LIDTF & Covid loving crew have this blood on their hands.