Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You need more zen.


We all do. People in glasshouses and all that

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I’m living my best life day in day out, kid.

Not once since the New Year have you come on here with anything positive to say, think about that and what you bring about here. :wink:

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I am generally, just blow off a bit of steam here pal amongst e-friends every so often.

I’m serious though that for you at your age, you’ve lost more than me, I’m just surprised that doesnt bother you more.

I’m not singling you out on that critically there, people definitely need to turn off RTE etc though and have a look at things as I reckon next November we will be back in lockdown regardless of this or that shipment of vaccines.

The Govt have wheeled Niall Collins out on the “Tonight Show” - it’s over lads

Ronan Glynn was holding us back all this time

Oh the government are pleaching personal responsibility now. Arseholes.

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Sling your hook

Ah lad :rofl:

I don’t think you’ve the intelligence or self awareness to even know what you’re posting about here.

At least I’m honest and have an opinion, I don’t have to always check what way the wind is blowing, that must be terrible for you.

I’m one of many though, I’ve been lucky enough to keep my job since this started.
There’s a lot of my age group in a worse off position than me out there.

I turned 25 in October last year, according to the March CSO figures unemployment rates in the 15-24 demographic stood at 56.8%.

Have I a lot to be giving out about after?


You’re a great young man, don’t mind that negative cunt.


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I think you’re missing out bigtime on what the likes of @carryharry and @myboyblue did at your age.

Each to their own, pal.

You’re missing out on the rent that @carryharry and @myboyblue should be paying for living inside your head.


More negativity. Times change, people adapt.

We will overcome this like many before us have done in times of woe.

He’s never been the same since he admitted drinking and driving on here to buy a few auld fags.

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I’ve a nice few lads hopping here in fairness. :rofl:

A Galway goalie shure, he was never gonna keep much out

The mistake lads make about @Copper_pipe is thinking because he’s dead on and a great young fella, that he’s also a soft touch.

He’s far from it, and fair fucks to him. He’d buy and sell a simple fella like yer man here.