Coronavirus - Here come the variants

@Copper_pipe has about 14 income streams he is recession proof

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He’s a great young man.

One of the best posters here in his mid 20’s, no doubt.

He’s one of the best posters here full stop. He’s absolutely mugged you off here too.


The interia of the wheels of OIUTF seems to be starting to lift. One more big push past personal services and click and collect. We will be rolling towards the pints in a few short weeks. June 21st we will have pints. Holidays, pints and gaa matches for the summer.


I don’t know how @The_Most_Infamous will ever recover.

We’ll find a way though.

It is great but i am shocked at the massive lifting of restrictions. Where have the government finally got their balls from?

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Respitory illnesses are seasonal pal.

Believe it or not, the same thing happened at the end of April in 2020.

I know but all the talk was of slow lift on restrictions.

We had 200 at club games last July, no talk of that now?

This was always the plan ffs. Under promise and over deliver. The plan and rollout was always so cautious it was clear that the intention was to lift early. And simpletons like yourself will see it as a bonus and be happy with it.


Not for the first time, it’s hard to work out whether a post is satire or not.

You’d really, really hope it is.

What a line. I live by it.

People will think you’re a great lad and you’ll only ever have done what you were always going to do in the first place :man_shrugging:

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Simpletons, ha, ha.


He could make 100k from selling an NFT painting of @carryharry’s field of rushes.

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Critique that post line by line @Cheasty , don’t be pissing around the sides of it.

Wonderful Ballylanders views you cunt. I’d be viewing the Galtees & Slievenamon from a different angle altogether