Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Got my data from here.


Ok. Glancing through the rankings it doesnā€™t appear to me like most countries with the biggest GDP are ahead of us, or that the richest countries are all ahead of us.

Twas easy for UK and US to vaccinate the elderly so quick. Thereā€™s none left.

If you want to pay your mortgage youā€™re a far-right shill.

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The ones I mentioned are. Iā€™m probably splitting hairs here but there are several that are and I donā€™t think they did anything we couldnā€™t have. It looks like a few EU countries are now pairing up with non-EU countries to get more too.

Itā€™ll all come out in the wash regardless

That was very lucky, it was the last week before Poland went into lockdown. Also, I filled out the contact form coming home and they followed up on me twice so Iā€™d say itā€™s tough enough now. I think Belfast Airport will be the only way to go if the UK is all vaccinated by then.

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Close the pubs

Nuke College Court.

16000 cases here today. Biggest number in three months. We are officially in wave 3.

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In Germany you can see your relatives if they live in a nursing home by doing some kind of quick covid test 30 minutes beforehand. I wonder if their nursing home death rate is any worse than ours.

4 in 5 parents actually spent time with their kids as well



George Lee pretty much recommending every one should be back hiding under the bed.

Turn it off

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Whatā€™s his latest hot take?

Clusters. Bloody clusters.

Dr Mai Mannix, Director Public Health Mid West, expressing concern on the news earlier in the context of the College Court carnival last night given case numbers in Limerick have PLATEAUED recently (cc @TreatyStones).


Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau.
Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know