Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Ruh oh…

Don’t know to be honest with you. The UK and Israel are progressing on ahead of us. I would say that some countries that are currently ahead may run into supply issues. As I’ve said before, we’ll catch up quite quickly when big numbers start getting vaccinated from next month or so onwards.

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Which countries that are currently ahead may run into supply issues?

Switzerland and Norway are both ahead of the EU. As are the UAE and Chile. I dont see why we couldn’t have followed them rather than the EU but I’m happy to stand corrected if they make a balls of it and the HSE catches up

Being some what prepared would have been a start. Italy asked for a meeting of EU health ministers on January 30th and it took weeks to organize. PPE shortfall is probably the best example, stocks of PPE had fallen to levels where Europe was totally unprepared for an infectious disease pandemic. France for example had 1.7 billion surgical masks in 2011 and was down to 117 million in 2020. Yet as late as February 23rd the EU were sending PPE to China in the hopes of helping contain Covid there, while the continent was already riddled.


Can say fairer than that in fairness to you. If you look at the list, most countries in the second 10 or so are in the EU.

But honestly, you can’t see how Ireland might have struggled if it was bidding against an additional further 27 countries? With the HSE in the lead on negotiations. Seriously now?

I’ve no idea. I’ve no idea what the process involves. I dont see why, given how cheap money is and how similar countries have managed why we couldnt

I’m speculating but I’d say the likes of Serbia, Turkey, Morocco. Unless they get big numbers of Chinese vaccines. Serbia is going to start producing the Russian vaccine apparently, but that will take time.

Where is our cheap money coming from? The EU. You think that we could go outside the EU and use money from the EU to outbid the rest of the EU?

Sounds a bit mad when you say it like that, right?

Debatable. Serbia is not a massive population and has close ties with Russia so probably have a guaranteed supply of them.

I’m not getting into a big argument over the merits of the EU. Plenty of time for that elsewhere. I’m just making the point that most of the wealthy countries talking top ten GDP or so) on earth outside the EU seem to be out-performing it in terms of vaccines delivered and administered.

I’ve no idea of the process and will happily correct my position if and when the EU catches up

fixed that for you


Patrick O’Donovan was on the radio last week about Limerick variants and Carlow variants.

Matt Carthy put him in his place.

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Where is Russia on the table, how are they doing with this guaranteed supply they have?

Pretty much all of the EU is ahead of Canada. Do people consider that a good performance? I would. @Batigol?

I don’t think the table I posted a link to supports that assertion at all.

Serbia are on 20% already. It’s only a country of 7m.

Covid isn’t much of a problem in Russia anyway.

Apparently the Tyrone variant makes you fall over
when there’s nothing wrong with you


Serbia is mostly using Chinese vaccines.

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George Lee will be like one of those Japanese soldiers who still thinks the war is on 20 years after it’s finished. He’ll be following a bemused Tony Holohan around a nursing home waving a microphone in 2035.


They are doing a fine jab.