Coronavirus - Here come the variants

In the new normal, everyone is either a socialist or about to become one.

Even the nazis

A truly terrifying thought

Interesting article which coins the idea of “zeroism”


Thankfully we have access to the free money tree at the ECB and we don’t have to worry about paying for it all.

“Under any sane calculation, whether school poses a small risk or an extremely small risk hardly matters, because the alternative is a social catastrophe that dwarfs any public health effect”

Lovely line.


I think it’s foolish for the Brits to start trying to pay for it now. We’ve surely learned you can’t cut your way out of a recession. Surely

With all my love, I’ll place this wedding ring upon your finger.
There won’t be time to share our love for we must say goodbye…

As long as we open up with the rest of the EU and don’t hide under the bed we’ll never have to pay for it.

We are in the top quartile of European countries with respect to case numbers so , all things being equal, we shouldn’t be among the last to re-open

Jesus, do you actually believe them?



Fucking hell.


Back under the bed lads

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Again whats that compared to. An awful situation for the mothers and fathers but the data needs context, the period of time it was collected and compare to the average number of stillbirths and stillbirth conditions. Otherwise its just more fear porn at the expense of 4 heartbroken families


NPHET come out with some mad stuff from time to time

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I would have expected some pretty strong evidence for him to come out with that during his press conference.

Just as numbers are falling and the pressure is easing off in ICU.