Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Itā€™s a mad thing to be coming out with when itā€™s still under investigation and at the ā€œpotentially associatedā€ stage.

Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll mention it in a few weeks if it comes to nothing


Maybe hold your tongue so.

Making statements like that without data behind it is terrible communication. But look they know they will get the fear message out as not one journalist will challenge it and just parrot it out.

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Iā€™m the questions guy. No one should come to me for answers unless they want more waffle

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Is this correct? Have they included the 4 still births in the deaths reported today?

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So why not wait for the coroner to conclude on his findings first without creating more panic?


4 still births is a very small sample size out of 400,000 cases isnā€™t it??

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They needed something to distract from the pathetic failure to reach the vaccine targets for last week.

These stillbirths, which may or may not be something to do with the virus, serve a valuable purpose.

Itā€™s incredible how much power NPHET have. They trot out the ā€œinfoā€ and just sit back for George Lee & Zara King to do their bidding.


That is utterly fucking disgraceful carry on. Why mention it if he doesnā€™t know. A new group of people to terrify now, pregnant women. Fucking shower of cunts.


I pity ye.

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Its a very low thing to be coming out with this without rock solid evidence backing it up

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Why is the cunt reporting it so??? Thatā€™s fucking it, the gloves are off .

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If its true its going to absolutely terrify people no matter how small the number is. Means all the more reason not to mention it without being absolutely sure though.

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He canā€™t even be 99% sureā€¦ He needs to be 100% ā€¦ The sick twisted fuck.

Itā€™s pretty disgraceful. Does nothing but induce more fear into people.

Casually throw something startling out there but then try to cover themselves by adding ā€œwell itā€™s too early to make firm conclusions.ā€

That dweeb Glynn has learned a lot from Holohan. Create maximum fear but disassociate yourself from anything categoric.

To play devilā€™s advocate I suppose if he knew something and didnā€™t mention for a few weeks till he made sure and there were a rake of still births people would be a little bit cross with him. Surely thereā€™s a better way to get the message out though.


Iā€™ve a relativel whose pregnant and caught covid over Christmas, this kind of shit is the last they need to hear when expecting considering its stressful enough in normal times

Jasus if they dont know that for sure, surely the stress it could cause all expectant mothers is potentially worse.

Isnā€™t Helen McEntee pregnant and caught Covid recently? I hope she asks Drew to run the reg plates on Glynner for inflammatory language.


This condition they mention there. Covid placentitis.

Is this purely an Irish creation? I canā€™t find any reference it to it anywhere else. Although my efforts were relatively limited.