Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Good to hear.


That’s the first genuine progress I’ve seen in a while.

A rat.


Fergal Bowers there on the news, saying the Government are very worried about next Autumn and Winter because respiratory illnesses will be circulating.


Fergal seemed a bit bemused with the whole carry on, an air of “what are these clowns up to now”


The concern on reopening is will Dr Tonys return have a similar type of swashbucking impact on the LIDTF crowd as it did last time. That is the biggest worry for Govt, they are scared shitless of him

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I’m beginning to think the only way out this shit show is to move country. I might throw my hat at the US greencard lottery

@Tierneevin1979, what’s the job market like in the bay area?

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In fairness to him, he did.

It’s the fifth wave that worries me

Respiratory illnesses in winter is something we just can’t handle

Go for it mate, hopefully Joe gives special diversity status to the Irish. Job market has been shit but is slowly improving and should be back to somewhere near normal by summer.

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This Cunt


Ryan-er is on Prime Time.
I can feel my zen under threat already

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Mad Tomas on again.

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I’m not too worried about that. They can’t do shit if the Brits are open.

Don’t do it to yerselves lads. Throw on Netflix or something


Tomas probably annoyed he was dragged away from watching Champions League


The next 14 waves are crucial!