Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Serious cash, a bit less than I thought but stillā€¦

Informative mate.

Which is why they wonā€™t and havenā€™t done it. Much easier sell weā€™re all in it together to this target group a lot of whom are happy enough for others to make sacrifices for them because theyā€™re so caring you see.

A bit! :grin:

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It all adds up!

Iā€™d read somewhere our covid bill to date was 45 billion or so since March. Maybe I was dreaming, obviously thats far more inclusive of all economic activity thats been lost rather than just PUP payments.

It all adds up.




The government wonā€™t do that. It would alter the public opinion rapidly. Once you start taking money out of a majority of peopleā€™s pockets youā€™d very quickly tip the balance of the public looking for the end of restrictions.

Theyā€™ll flog everyone on the tail end of it when bigger numbers are back in the PAYE net.

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23 billion euro so far added to our national debt according to that piece. Closer than the PUPā€™s 141 million a week.

Either way, its a shit show that will have to be paid for.

Iā€™ll have to be wary of things you post in future, I could have relayed that to some friends of mine. Youā€™re off the list of trusted TFK posters.

You specified the PUP thoughā€¦

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I wasnt specific enough, that was my downfall @Copper_pipe

Guys thereā€™s no way we can sustain a billion a week

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Itā€™s a billion roughly every two weeks mate.

I have to correct you there :sweat_smile:

Iā€™ll chip in some of my Euromillions Iā€™m about to win if that helps

Give em nothing.

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Did you ever sort out that housemate that didnt get on with you mate?

He fucked off a week later without saying anything.