Coronavirus - Here come the variants

More Covid restrictions or a faster return to normal? How the Irish public feels about public health rules

These dont really tally with how I see people behaving but shows what I know.

Out of 2,200 people who were asked on Monday of this week the extent to which they are obeying restrictions on a scale of 1 (indicating ‘not at all) to 7 (indicating ‘very much so’) , the average score was 6.3 – consistent with levels seen since last summer.

More than half (51%) of respondents responded with a 7, while a third (33%) responded with a 6.

That just means that people are liars. I saw hundreds of people meeting in Greystones last weekend. The country has gotten so judgmental that people are scared to tell the truth.

What about NPHET’s Google maps data?


The new noise is that the vaccine prevents severe symptoms , doesn’t prevent infection and doesn’t prevent transmission…and all bets are off where new variants are concerned.

So OIUTF? No. Sorry. Won’t be happening…at least not without your freedom documentation. Sign up for that and then we can talk. Not promising anything mind you.


All bullshit scare mongering. Look at the numbers up north lately, falling off a cliff. The vaccine is working

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Most stories internationally suggests the opposite to all of that is true - stops transmission, stops infection and effective against variants.


We’d our health minister on the nolan show yesterday morning. A fascinating interview in it’s own way…all the shit I mentioned above plus discussion of stormont’s pathway out of lockdown document. This document contains nothing in the way of dates, thresholds, hospital or icu capacity …but he spent half an hour insisting that this is because they are led by the data. When nolan pushed him on what data he insisted that it was unreasonable for nolan to expect actual numbers when data was the main focus.
A horrible horrible wee bastard, and they’re almost all the same.


When they’re selling the vaccine…not when they’re discussing easing restrictions

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Are you heading into the protest? @Heyyoubehindthebushes

Leave the petrol can at home if you are

I am boi OIUTF


Have we increased ICU capacity lads? It takes a year to train people to be ICU staff. We must have a hape of em trained by now.

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The Garda helicopter is out in Cork.

What’s the mood like there?

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It was a strange vibe, there was probably 1-2k people there. A lot wearing masks, particularly towards the back like myself. Most people I spoke to were normal level headed and want restrictions lifted similar to the OIUTF crowd on here. Not entertained by the mentallers and felt they were blocking the reasonable message of people aren’t happy. Spoke with maybe 5 or 6 people all said they will get vaccinated and think its the way out and once we get the vulnerable sorted lockdowns need to end. Didnt stick around too long or listen to the speakers.
There was a lot of mentallers with mad conspiracy theories which we will see on the news, probably around 100 of them. Empty vessels make the most noise. Large garda presence.



No green jersey being pulled on there.

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They need to suck it up and move on