Coronavirus - Here come the variants

We’ll all be pulling the head off ourselves now for months thanks to that Glynn bastard.

In fairness when you give an age range for fatalities of 0-97 you have to assume that at least one of the Gobdaws in the room will have the wit to say wtf and therefore it is reasonable to conclude the Dr Glynn wouldn’t have been surprised to have been asked the question and his response was likely to have been premeditated.


The August TFK 50km run will separate the wheat from the chaff.

Any lad running by then with less than 2k of gear and performance enhancing gadgets and accoutrements simply won’t want it enough.


A simple challenge for you.

Open the article, watch the video and see if what you expect is what you see.

English public life still allows politicians, judges and journalists to question and challenge authority. There’s very little evidence of such freedom in Ireland ,yet you’ve lads dismissing the anti-establishment views of lord sumpton and charles Walker… because they’re part of the establishment. The people of Ireland, north and south have shown themselves do be deeply conformist during this fiasco. But sure look at John Briton’s recent proclamation on the easter rising, or the latitude given to nphet- they can be exposed as manipulative, willing to mislead and repared to victimise individuals…bit they’re the establishment so we mustn’t speak out of turn.
It’s the same mindset really, conservatism, serfdom, superstition etc


You are of course correct, most of those who are fervently left wing these days are comfortably middle class, champagne socialists. They are outraged by every injustice, without of course ever experiencing any injustice in their own lives. The response to Covid has impacted them the least and lower income people by far the greatest and yet the “socialists” say suck it up, it’s for the greater good.

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Wait, they’re actually counting those stillborn cases as Covid deaths?

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Cases in Limerick have shown a big fall since the party in college court.

Time to move on to panicking about the Nigerian variant. The Brazilian variant is a beaten docket

That would appear to be the upshot of it.

In fairness the party was outside :grin:

Because of Glynns comment scared pregnant women will be rushing to hospitals demanding a check up or a scan…


In Glynns mind he’s saving lives id imagine by coming out with that. It also points to the reliabilty of these numbers everyday.

Its not even with covid now people need to die of in order to become a statistic for these rolling lockdowns.

Lets not forget Varadker in fairness to him tweeted that a large proportion of covid deaths last year in the first wave were never even PCR tested.

It’ll be interesting to see how history remembers our government and Nphet experts. Particularly when the dust settles on this whole thing in 5 years time or so.

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How many of those 9 were out of the womb?

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Covid statistic of the day.

88% of worldwide Covid deaths are in countries where at least half the population is overweight.


Look at who comprises NPHET

NPHET is made up of every tentacle of our health service

Easy for NPHET to just shrug and say “we were informed of it and have to report it” but the people reporting to them are one and the same. It was decided by people on NPHET to report that yesterday. I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt and suggest it’s ass covering for how much “cover up” worry they have collectively but the fact that we have a policy with heightened worry of the masses makes me sceptical.

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The public can’t handle the truth. If it wasn’t for lockdowns everyone would be dead by now.


Poor Gerry Killeen