Coronavirus - Here come the variants

There are restrictions all over the world. Ireland hasnā€™t had a lockdown.

When did this conversation take place in Ireland? I was under the impression dissenting voices were shut down

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The comments suggest a change of mood
Is happening

Time to quit this jokeshop. It was setup to make the rich economies richerā€¦ Itā€™s a disaster on every other front.


25% of the country are out of work mate. I remember you being more animated about water charges.

There will be no rich economies anymore if this thing is left carry on. Just a handful of filthy trillionaires telling people to do one thing whilst they practice the other.

The transfer of wealth over the last 12 months has been staggering.

But a few kids going mad in college court should be jailedā€¦


Definitely the stupidest out of all the rules now. The town I live in has one place for ā€˜walksā€™. So itā€™s absolutely wedged. While other places further out of town are empty

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Very different scenarios. Iā€™m worked up but unlike water, this is largely out of our hands as long as people are getting sick and dying no matter how small a percentage that is. The best thing here is to take the zen approach with some online criticism , which seems to be the only thing FFG respond to.

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Do other countries have a version of the 5k or other travel restrictions within the country? I fucking hate the phrase ā€˜its withing my 5kā€™ or ā€˜its outside your 5kā€™. My five fucking k :angry::angry:

At least we have this thread as a distraction from the Gordon Elliott thingy


Iā€™m disgusted by FFG and all the oppostion to be honest. Thats fair enough re being zen. You have to be or you would go mad. I canā€™t understand how things cant open up though once the vulnerable are all vaccinated.

I also reckon - hope Iā€™m wrong on this but I do think weā€™re facing rolling lockdowns now going forward regardless of vaccines.

For the 25% of people who are on the PUP - they are completely excluded from getting any type of loan from the banks let alone a mortgage.

Grossly unfair on them. I donā€™t see any end to it for those people who have worked all their lives in most cases
Its very wrong.


I couldnt tell you who Gordon Elliott is to be honest Mike until his photo surfaced. A thick cunt I reckon after seeing it.

It shouldnt be still newsworthy would be my view.

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No border controls means no lockdown. Weā€™ve had restrictions similar to other countries across the world. Without border controls itā€™s all a cod. No country has had a successful OUITF strategy. Surprised a hardcore establishment shill like yourself has turned against them.

Walked from Blackpool, saw a checkpoint but I wasnā€™t carrying signs, had a mask etc. Only people that were looking for hassel got it

Got a few bottles in the off liecence on the way home. Cant be at the drink driving

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Weā€™ve had one of strictest lockdowns in the world according to an independent study.

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Did you not get the call? Fucking cunts.

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Meh without border controls the restrictions have been a cod. We probably have the stoopidest restrictions but to call it a lockdown is an exaggeration if anyone can come in or out.

My Mrs is in that category. Business fucked, mortgage for us a pipe dream nowā€¦ Meanwhile politicians gave themselves a third pay rise in 5 years I think.