Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

@endakenny was out every night of the week with no regard for anyone.

I was logging events on Der Freistoß

Do we think they’ll be any GAA in the coming weeks/months? National Leagues supposed to start at end of February. Will they get ther green light to go ahead since they did last years did or is this different gravy this time around? No chat of it anywhere

You may as well forget about GAA until the Fall.

I think training will resume in March with an abbreviated league to commence in April. Championship will be run off as planned over the summer.

The Irish pub as ye know it is gone, gone for good.

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Fogarty in the Examiner floating the idea of vaccinating the players “so the people can have something to look forward to”. Think those goodwill credits might have been used up last year…

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That is a solid, sad fact. Wetherspoons-lite stuff in suburbia from now on.

the drink driving and the smoking ban was huge, but this is the final nail in the coffin

I bet you asked him if he had Revolut.

Heading with the 2 year old now to get him tested by the HSE. The fact that they’re back testing asymptomatic close contacts is another good sign that the surge is easing which is positive



It sounded too much like Revolution to use in the current environment.

best of luck with it… did i miss post on this earlier? someone in creche was it?

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The rush for the vaccine is funny. Nothing to do with health and all to do with getting on a plane I think.

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Driverless cars will revive the oubsbof rural Ireland.

Why would you live in a city if you can work from home at the kitchen island and have a driverless car to ferry you back from the pub?


Party time in Herr Holohan’s office

Cities are done … covid has finished them.

I was driving from kilkee to Limerick before Christmas and looking at some of the pubs wondering how could they possibly trade any more. And it struck me that when driverless cars come in they’ll all be hopping. People will be coming from cities to go out to them for a drink. It will have all sorts of positive impacts for society. Give it 20 years and it’ll be norm. Hopefully we have enough people vaccinated by then for Tony to allow the pubs to open again.