Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Your drive to win that hoodie has taken away the time it requires you to comprehend my post.


I really dont understand this view and am extremely surprised you hold it. By the governments own numbers and pronouncements, every single case and every single day counts. Each case infects further cases who infect more. The virus isnt getting any more dangerous but the volume of cases is what leads to rising deaths. And obviously the volume of cases above capacity. Given that we are at capacity now, then it makes sense that every single dose is administered as fast as is humanly possible. This will stop future deaths. Every delay leads to more deaths. That’s aside from the fact that when you have an entire nation captive in their homes you have a moral duty to get your shit together. I ran the numbers on this a week or two ago when we first got the vaccine. The 4 day wait from when we had the vaccine first to administering will lead to at least 60 deaths going on the added case numbers.


@glasagusban will now run off in true @glasagusban fashion.

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Not in the least. You’ve been craving failure here from them for some time. I applaud your determination.

And I applaud your determination to not admit to getting it wrong on the internet.

Its ok, you’re banking on the HSE here, you’re onto a winner I’m sure. Just try not to salivate too much.

That’s that open and shut then.

Civil service waster. * cough *

Im not going to ladybird it for you when you clearly won’t have the time to read it.

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Did Pearl Harbour have much impact on Ireland? Not sure it did .

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Wait I can get this.

It ruined Josh Hartnett’s career.

Josh is of Irish extraction.

There. Thats it.

It did in Kerry.

Update on this. 2 year olds test came back positive which isn’t great.


Sorry to hear that tallback hope it all works out.





Not great to hear i’m sure - but everything will be fine.