Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Don’t think so although I could be wrong. Only thing I could think is they might have had a lot of returning emigrants from the UK over the Christmas.

I don’t think the Swedes are any different to other continental Europeans in terms of their social interactions / drinking. It’s true you don’t see the drinking culture seen in the UK and Ireland, but that’s true in general in mainland Europe.

Good to hear brah. It goes to show that you are not safe just because you are outside, as some people think. Indeed, you’d be very conscious of it when you are out pounding the roads trying to hit your TFK January Challenge Goal. Sweating buckets and overtaking some old dears on the pavement out for a potter. You’d almost feel guilty roaring at them to get out of your way, but you just have to grab that sub 4:10 min/km pace and ride the lightning when it comes.


Holohan needs to get serious

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This argument has been made over and over but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. Lots of people were saying that in relation to the Germans and lo & behold stories emerged of the youth ignoring public health advice.

I was just reading about it there. We’ll be fucked if that reaches Europe. We’ll literally have to just let it run through the population or stay in permanent lockdown.

Can we just sacrifice Cork?

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The Midlands… No problem. Nothing to be missed.

Fine, Longford, then Cork

Munster won’t be touched pal. Nor Connacht… Do what you want with the rest.

Munster will be the first to go. It’s gone soft. You’ve the likes of the Barney Curleys there and they’d fall in with any invading force and knife their own in a heartbeat.

The curleys all live in Dublin …

Including the ones pretending to be from Tipp?

Is it just me or are NPHET, HSE and goverment announcements pledging with the public to stay at home be vigilant and don’t kill grannies starting to sound like the boy who cried wolf. The hospitals are over run they say but isn’t that saif every winter?

The excess deaths will tell all this winter. I am charting our performance up north with the Winter Flu season of 17/18.


not long to go until we hit the magic 2 million deaths, the lock down fanatics will have a wet dream

but but Sweden

Turkey have bought 50 million doses of the Chinese vaccine and afterwards it turns out that it’s only 50% effective.

Maybe take your own advice from last year…


Take your advice from 2014.