Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I lost count :joy:

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And the non-natives?


If it was bad .news the meeja wouldnā€™t have made it up

Maybe he is, maybe he isnā€™t. Do we know? No we donā€™t. Like enhanced surveillance, we didnā€™t try.

What we do know is what happened in the below.

Was everything possible done? Nope - and the last thing is a bit rich, HIQA members sit on NPHET, along with the HSE.

As it happens, I imagine it is very very challenging to keep it out and have said so. But everything should be tried. I didnā€™t fully support the Great Barrington but their idea of putting in staff who had detected antibodies in nursing homes not hit hard the first time should have been considered with months to prepare.

Not bad news at all


What species are they mike?

Theyā€™re mutants of Brazilian strain

I hope theyā€™re not more transmissible, not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that

Good god mike. This is actually a thing. How long have you kept this from the forum?

200 (11)

More lies. The usual.

Hope they pull out of it quick enough.


Iā€™m not impugning them or anything, but they may have missed something or picked it up from a surface. No way they picked it up outside while wearing masks.

Dr Ten Genders has spoken. :joy:


Bullshit. Itā€™s unlikely, but to say thereā€™s no way they picked it up outside while wearing a mask is just ignorance. The first question is what kind of mask, if it was a cloth mask then you may as well have no mask. This is firmly established by science, so less of your lay manā€™s nonsense.

Lovely looking back


Those bat eating bastards.

I believe @Thomas_Brady highlighted all this months ago and he was rounded upon by a number of posters.

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@EstebanSexface strangled himself defending the Chinese during the summer.