Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

“Only in his home town, among his relatives, and in his own house is a prophet without honour”

Jesus, AD 28.

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It was a cloth mask… Id say 80% of people wear them… See v few with the proper masks

Don’t know man. Im at a disadvantage to most of the fellas here because I’m not an experienced scientist


Iirc he was ridiculed because the chape cunt wouldn’t buy himself a mask

Not a prerequisite

He wanted a free one

The gubbermint owed him one

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That’s fair enough.

You remember wrong, bucko.

The last study you posted about masks didn’t say what you said it did. You’re generally a liar and a dimwit so I’ll safely say this one doesn’t either.

@glenshane what’s the story there? I know it’s Abbots site, have those tests seen market at all?

You could try reading it and making up your own mind.

Nugget here from Henry at the HSE;

Dr Henry said “secondary outbreaks” are also taking place in hospitals and said the proportion of people who are acquiring Covid-19 in hospital is half of the total number of patients.

Makes sense when you compare ICU to hospitalised this time round vs. the first.

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This is depressing

So the one place the HSE have control of is responsible for 50% of people who are really sick with Covid?
You simply couldn’t make it up.


And we may need to switch to premium mask mandates,” he added, referring to masks such as FFP2 and N95, which offer higher levels of protection.

Is it now a case of leave them off to fuck or just wear proper masks. Are there enough out there for the run that’s going to come on them?

I don’t know. The Australian quarantine outbreak is the part that stood out and worries me.

Tbh harry I haven’t the first clue about any of this stuff

Bullet points please.

Are we doomed?

Yes vaccine is doomed we’re all done for