Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You should move over to Cheltenham

Is that an Enid Blyton book?

Keep showing how stupid you are. I would pay money to see it. Sterling, even.

Now, now.

Youā€™re the Tory mouthpiece and in typical Tory fashion you are trying to whitewash Greenfell.

For shame.

Keep going.

You cannot even spell.

2944 cases,13 deaths

Numbers slowly coming down. Must be all the vaccinations.

Health staff who are administering the Covid-19 vaccine in long-term care settings across the country have been told it is not appropriate to give it to residents whose duration of life may be shorter than the length of time it will take for the jab to work.

The advice is being issued by HSE chief clinical officer Dr Colm Henry following 23 deaths of a number of very frail elderly patients in Norway after getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

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I wonder were such distractions made when reporting cause of death

Great thread for anyone falling for the ā€˜new variantā€™ propaganda

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The Italians are done with covid


This is amusing and tallies with the sense that thereā€™s lots of hindsight merchants now


We were told a week ago to expect 100 deaths a day by today. Glad they were wrong again with their attempts to scare people.


Iā€™m very proud.

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Yet Government are the ones paid big bucks to make the correct decisions.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy ainā€™t no hindsight merchant. Heā€™s for a foresight expert.

The truth is that Nolan donā€™t have a clue.

The death average is high and will remain so for a time though, there is no point denying that 40 deaths a day from one virus (when you average about 90 deaths a day generally) is not significant.

Myself and @TheUlteriorMotive predicted this back at the time and said we should not have been opening up during Christmas for sentimental reasons when people have had to bury loved ones without proper funerals etc.

We agreed it was pointless opening up the country for a few weeks when there was an acceptance it was going to cause more lockdowns and more restrictions in the long run.


Is he @EstebanSexfaceā€™s hero?


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