Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Dr Walton got lucky

Hammering a lad for 7 vaccines is just time wasting …the other 9 went to people over 70…they were left overs …people should just leave it be


The Irish love to be ruled over by their betters

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This how it starts

Official Ireland hands a few “spare” vaccines here and there to family members

Next it will be “ We could not find Mr Murphy to give him his vaccine, but luckily enough a TDs daughter happened to be outside at the same time”


So he’s not paying one of his kids for work? What a bastard.

To be fair where are you going to find vulnerable people in a hospital on short notice

The lucrative testing regime seems to be running a lot more efficiently than the vaccination regime. A cynic might suspect that once the vaccines are ordered they’ll be paid for regardless of how or if they’re distributed, the tests on the other hand must be carried out before they can be invoiced for.


They were just resting in the fridge


What should have happened the left over vaccines? I’m assuming they leave some free in the expectation of some issues with administering and not to have scheduled people turn up and not get it. There’s already people saying they have ran out of vaccines when they’ve turned up. If it was a case of dumping them or getting someone in as quick as possible to make sure they’re used, it’s better they aren’t wasted. The issue here really is the optics of it all.

That’s exactly it. You need to make an example here. Sharp and short. Smash his fucking nose.

Agreed. Who could they have possibly found in a hospital that might need a vaccine


I’m happy to step in here. Giving out the vaccines is not the issue, sure they may as well have been used. What is an issue is that they went to a senior doctors family. The question simply is were the doctors family given priority? If they were they should be hunted down etc. However if they lived in tipp everyone is related so no harm no foul.

Last week in the job will Donald senior blow the whole lid on the chi-na virus

The most obvious thing to do was call his family.

Then his barber

His pool cleaner

His dog walkers

And then anyone else

The maternity hospital? I don’t know enough about who did or didn’t get it to be going as mental as Ewan is anyway. If it’s found that there was priority people who should have received it, then absolutely, it’s not good. But there needs to be far more context to the story before all the pitchforks are out.

Ewan be crazy. But firing them out to his sons isn’t a good look and he deserves to be grilled for it in the current climate.

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If you get vaccine say randomly because you know the nurse or whatever would you be guaranteed to get the second shot in 21 days time? I was told you are not.

If its a few ends of the vial after all priority people present at that time were vaccinated and if the remainder of the vial cannot be stored for the next day, then its acceptable to administer to whoever is around rather than waste it. Look we know how iteland works but its a handful of people. We all would do the same tbf

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Hold on. The master of the coombe is from cork. Did his children travel up from cork ir are living in Dublin?

I’d say he left Cork as soon as possible It’s a jungle down there.

