Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

This one is gonna run and run

The most important thing in Ireland is not to do the right thing. It’s to be seen to do the right thing


It’s a nothing auld story really but optics wise they surely could have walked out on the street and dragged in a few, or given it to the cleaning staff or something. It could have been some nurses kids if that’s what needed to be done.


Tbf lads were screaming for them to open the vaccines and dose a few lads the day we got them for the same reason, to be seen to be doing the right thing.

I think, in his position, in the current climate, you’d really want those vaccines to be going to waste before you call in your own kids from outside to get them. You’d have been better off going out on the street door to door

Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want to read about in the papers. Optics 101

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The family WhatsApp and text messages would be interesting.

Vaccines for family members of doctors was happening during trial of vaccine roll out.

The story is interesting as the excuse given during trial was they worked for the Doctor so HSE started to ask for PRSI records of any “staff” getting it.

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If I was in his position I would have got the kids, my mates and tfk sorted before the papers knew. But since I’m not him, he should fall for this. Corruption is rife in ireland and he has to go. Reid and Egghead need to go to over this. Brenda and nuala will not accept this when Mary down the roads son still hasn’t got it and he’s a kitchen Porter in the maher, by christ he’s a front line worker

It’ll be interesting to see clamour to open the country back up and allow travel once a certain group is vaccinated. If you can only travel with a vaccination people will get riled up very quickly if they are denied a vaccination and others are jumping the queue.


Q has done a number on these guys.

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Why not call a go, this was before most GP’s had it

There’s builders merchants from clare making millions on the back of alan Kelly’s say so, there’s tawny toothed celebrity scientists making millions on the back of vaccines and leo is sharing inside info on government tenders with his mates.
But throw us a hegemonic doctor from skib, or a dodgy solicitor from leitrim and we’ll focus on them instead.
@Lazarus…is ‘conspire’ a made up verb?


Only Q can answer this pal

You can mess in the downside but you can’t be seen to stop people getting their chance of the upside.
This will run for the week. Someone has done him up from inside the hospital

Sure the tans are already saying there’ll be no opening up until we can be sure the vaccine works on all future variants…less there be a …(wait for it)…‘vaccine buster’ variant. Thenirish politician is sure to pass on this baton to a gullible paddy

I suppose. Its neither here nor there in the grand scheme of the greatest corruption we’ve ever turned a blind eye to.
Do we still have journalists worthy of the name?


never a true word spoken. @Tassotti had us worked out

Cleaning staff incl in the list of hospital staff who got it??

Front page in today’s Irish Daily Mail. ‘Jabs for the Boys’. It’s not about The Coombe fella though. It’s just FF being FF.