Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

We need more dying and then the numbers in ICU will hopefully really start to drop

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This is reminiscant of the lad who destroyed Pearse Doherty one night

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We’ve barely heard a peep from Pearse since that.

A lad from Westmeath IIRC. Pearse was waving a piece of paper around like a madman

LIDTF lads its not save out there. Maybe we can go to the beach in June

I think they phrased it as died in January so not necessarily in the last 24 hours.

The goalposts keep moving.

…and what with these new variants

Ah here, teachers don’t think they’re going to die. They are just cynically exploiting the situation to their own advantage.


You have to laugh


So the imaginary first cousin of your imaginary missus, her imaginary husband and imaginary kid all have Covid?



The bould sam is sniffling away here on Pat Kenny. I hope he’s isolating

I hope he gives a serious dose to Pat

Jesus. Sorry to hear that Dan.

Cop on you clown.


Lads are fragmenting badly here. Hold tight boys, February is coming.

What? His wife is an imaginary person.

You made this mistake before with @Joe_Player.


Think that might have been another poster here.

But we know @ChairmanDan is a fantasist who tells loads of porkies.

5 more weeks and you can leave your house lads – That’s nothing, you can do it. Andy Dufresne did 19 years for a crime he didnt commit and he never pissed or moaned about it.