Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Ah yeah, let’s all ignore this stuff again,
Nice guy.

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If you’ve got proof contrary to that then be my guest.

He still crawled through 500 yards of shit to get out of it though.

All we want is a pint.

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You should really be leaving your house every day mate.


How many yards of shit would fellas crawl through for a pint now do you reckon?


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Dunno but I think we’ve hit on a great idea for the next TFK Strava Challenge. Claire Swimming will get a right surprise on her next outing with flatty.

This guy in New Ross yesterday creating a bit of publicity…

@count_of_monte_crist and @croppy_boy if either of ye did technology in GCC, you may recognise who it is. There is another video of him on YouTube. He’s gone full blown Gemma O Doherty.


Always a cunt.

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he was always a bollox…now he’s gone off the deep end…has he retired?

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not as far as I know. He was still there when the technology lab was extended 3 years back anyway and he is still on the staff listing there. Either of ye see his video in Sligo?

Not far off retirement anyhow. Would have been there in 1990.


That’s another month gone by the way side.

No it isn’t.

I would have taught the Oxford dose is the solution for the masses ?

The idea was to deliver it now so that it would be on hand to start vaccinating once approved. That wasn’t allowed, so once it is approved, then it will be delivered.

I don’t think delivering it will take a month. We probably lose a few days or a week.

J&J is the big one.