Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)



Not a fucking hope of the schools opening or anything fucking else by the looks of things


Beaten COTY finalist George Lee stating on the news this evening that itā€™s great to see the numbers drop below 2,000 when the numbers were actually 2,488 today.

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Might work around here.

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I have a big interest in statistics would you believe, maybe itā€™s why the numbers and percentages and all that makes sense to me. The misrepresentation of them also makes me angry. I might do a level 5 in LIT on stats.

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Go for itā€¦ The year will pass in no time.

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I see cases are about to fall dramatically

Itā€™s all quite depressing

Iā€™m also reading them saying no tourism for 2021, are they absolutely batshit mental. The summer last year travel restrictions were a complete waste of time.


As I said.


Ah sure once Martin gets his trip to Washington the rest of us will muddle on.

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Its appalling Tim.

I donā€™t see any end in sight unfortunately either.

Life is better nowā€¦ Less drunkenness, less pollution, more family time.

He should get absolutely eviscerated over this.

Showing all the peasants why he is so much more important than them.

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I get that mate,

But the heart is being torn out of the country.

Tourism gone, people canā€™t go anywhere - its a fucking disaster.

450 thousand people on PUP payments, who would normally be working. Its an awful situation and unfortunately I donā€™t see it changing for at least 12 months.

And Martin over on his vanity junket go New York so he can hang a phot in his living room.

He is vile.

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Iā€™m alright so I donā€™t give a fuck about anyone else.

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Everything about Micheal Martin has been leading up to this moment where he gets to go to the white house, including admonishing senior figures in his own party, tolerating and licking the arses of other figures in other parties in the power sharing and probably applying coup de grace to FF. He is a charlatan and a pathetic excuse for a leader. I doubt he will be leader of whats left of FF in 6 months.


So if MM can go to the White House can the rest of us get a socially distant coffee?