Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Good kid, enjoy the extra family time.

Canā€™t put a price on that.

Are we still on the road to nowhere?

To paraphrase/change slightly evidence given by James Gogarty many years ago

ā€œCan we f**kā€

Do as I say not as I do because the shitā€™s so deep you canā€™t run away
I beg to differ on the contrary
I agree with every word that you say
Talk is cheap and lies are expensive, my walletā€™s fat and so is my head
Hit and run and then Iā€™ll hit you again
Iā€™m a smart ass, but Iā€™m playing dumb
Standards set and broken all the time, control the chaos behind a gun
Call it as I see it even if I was born deaf, blind, and dumb
Losers winning big on the lottery
Rehab rejects still sniffing glue
Constant refutation with myself
Iā€™m a victim of a catch twenty-two
I have no belief
But I believe Iā€™m a walking contradiction
And I ainā€™t got no right

In all seriousness, is there any prospect of anything this year?

The initial optimism of the vaccine seems to have fizzled out.

Iā€™m quite disillusioned with it all to be honest.


Cc @darrenfrehill

Itā€™s insane.

Was back to work this week after a long break and it kind of hit home hearing the listlessness in peopleā€™s voices since this new wave hit. I havenā€™t been in our office since March, same as a lot of my colleagues since weā€™re well geared for WFHing. Youā€™d be there chatting away to the lads on Teams going "Yeah sure I might go back in in February or Marchā€¦ " but sure youā€™re plucking months from the air really. And then you get a reminder for another meeting (a ā€œhard stopā€) and you jump onto that one and youā€™re there having the same conversation with someone else sitting in their slippers and a third-day t-shirt in a kitchen far, far away. Not having to deal with people in real life seemed manageable, even positive, when you were looking at it for a few months, but rolling over into a new year and staring down the barrel of God knows how many more months of this shit is actually fairly daunting.

And weā€™re the ones whose work has been relatively unaffected. Folks in the pub/ restaurant/ entertainment etc games must be going demented altogether.


Last year I enjoyed two good nights without a vaccine. I think I got two weekends away and had about another 6 socially distant sessions.

This year I might not get a coffee until May.

Hard to be too optimistic.

Sure what could go wrong


If everyone over 70 and in the vulernable category are vacinnated by March then surely they will open up to some degree?

Nobel peace prize winner, that is mad.

Youā€™d swear they sent you to the Eastern front.

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Youā€™d think so but a fair few dooms day merchants want lockdown for ever.

Them people donā€™t really want to live.

Sad really, I feel sorry for them.

Good one.

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Itā€™s all relative.

Tony Holohan = Q


Weā€™ve raised a generation of pussies

Heā€™d want to man the fuck up and get back under that bed.

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People in aviation, events and hospitality have been fucked over in particular, with the head honchos who were given incredible resources to fight this, seeing zero accountability for their failures.

Remember the day of this video?

We had 4 Covid cases on that day ffs.