Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Well my opinion is based on the released numbers. Whatā€™s yours based on? Come out of the rabbit hole mate.

Keep on locking down the free worldā€¦


It looks to me to be another Mickey Mouse lock down. The cases wonā€™t drop off enough.

We should go for zero covid for 2 months that with the vaccine on top means we could be reopening on the first of April.

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2371 & 52

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Lockdown 4. Lockdown is back and this time itā€™s personal

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Lockdown 4 with a vengeance

Lock Harder


They wont because they know they have to give people a breakā€¦ This is why it will rumble on until after summer.


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So we keep lockdowns to protect the hospitals?

Twice as many people want more restrictions than want less restrictions according to ESRI

Sweden drives the lockdown fetish merchants demented. No lockdown for 10 months v countries with lockdowns. Whereā€™s the makeshift morgues, the tens of thousands covid deaths, the hospitals collapsing, grannies dying on sidewalksā€¦ eh no, thereā€™s been excess mortality conparable to previous winter flus and the country hasnā€™t been locked in their houses like cattle wondering where the 5km marker ends.


Have you expressed your feelings to your local TD mate?

That correlates with what I was saying this morning. Iā€™d say that figure is much higher than it was pre Christmas. LIDTF has won in the court of public opinion like it or not. Long way back for OIUTF now in Ireland.

I can only give you my opinion, which is that Sweden build up a lot more immunity in 2020 than most other western countries, especially among young people.

There are a few significant flaws in the lockdowns work narrative. The main one is they are not lockdowns that can work, as people are still free to go out and about to shops etc., and a large segment of the population are still working as they are ā€œessentialā€. The disease is fucking airborne, you cannot stop itā€™s transmission with half assed moron lockdowns, and you most certainly canā€™t stop transmission with a cloth rag over your face. If this isnā€™t clear to people by now they need to abandon thinking as itā€™s a waste of time.

The second issue is that building immunity in the population is the only hope you have, both short term and long term. Here are in the worst month of the year for respiratory diseases and we went into it with a huge population of young healthy people that had been protected from a disease that was no threat to 99.97% of them. If the doomsday merchants were correct, Sweden would have had 100,000 deaths by mid 2020. Their winter wave is turning out to be far less severe than other western countries. Why? Because they took a sensible approach that was actually doable.


Sure lock it down forever. Itā€™s only lads mad for pints and killing old people that want lockdowns to end

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OIUTF is a pipe dream. Even if we get to zero and 100% vaccinatuons

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Has anyone on here who has been screaming and banging their keyboard everyday for the last 10 months gone and done anything about it? Even so much as contacted their local TD?

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I have lost my faith in science. They are really dragging the arse out of this


Protect the hospitals? Hospitals in Ireland are riddled with Covid, as are nursing homes. One year into this and the one thing you would expect the HSE to do, keep Covid out of hospitals and care homes which house the most vulnerable people in society, and they have failed utterly. They canā€™t control the spread of Covid in the places they have 100% control over, but they expect to be taken seriously that they can control it in the rest of society?

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