Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Does getting blocked by them on twitter count?

You get a half point for that.

What do you expect your local TD would do?

Six one had a report from the ICU in UHL tonight. As you expect no beds at the Inn icu over loaded but this happens every year. Despite over half the hospital cases in the country are actually contracting the virus within the hospital not ending up in a hospital because of covid. Yet to stop the spread of covid we need mandatory quarantine of people entering the country. Now ask yourself why are people coming into the country? Its hardly for a cead mile failte holidayā€¦


I donā€™t expect much but it would surely serve some lads better to write an email with all their evidence and more so their feelings on why we should OIUTFā€¦ It might give them a release of some sort , release some angerā€¦ Writing the same angry thing day in day out, on the INTERNET, for 10 months is bizarreā€¦ it must create more negative emotion than relieveā€¦ How you can feel that strongly and angry about something and then do nothing about it just doesnā€™t make sense.


Build me a police station. Then get turfed out for a Green as a renewed sense of security allows us to focus on global issues.

Will i get the other half when I hunt them over the front wall before the next GE. I donā€™t know if you listened to the David McWilliams podcast before Christmas but he had a pollster on who broke down peoples opinions on lockdowns and where they vote. Ffg supporters overwhelmingly support restrictions and the government parts, between LIDTF hardliners and goverment supports your talking about 60%. This was Christmas week so I imagine that has shifted. Why would a goverment td give a shit if someone contacts them opposed to lockdowns? Their base is happy with the status quo

Hard to keep covid out when doctors and nurses are pulling their masks down every five minutes to post sombre pictures of themselves on social media.


15 insta posts a day showing how MENTAL it is

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The people think zero covid is the only option they have left

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@TreatyStones got onto Niall Collins.

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ā€œThank you for contacting Timmy Dooley. I am currently out of officeā€


Treaty is a man.

And what about when that doesnā€™t work? How do we do it and do business internationally? We can get to zero covid and lock ourselves in like North Korea or open back up and it will get back in. We need to love woth the virus, accept people will get sick and die, build our health system to cope (what we were locked down in April for) and get on woth living. Existing isnā€™t living. Maybe the vaccine isnā€™t the silver bullet but it will save lives. I really hope it works. Anyway you got me in a rant. Not going to change it


Usually imploring the public to take covid seriously. With the marks from their mask visible on their red faces just to show how busy and exhausted they are. Meanwhile they are spreading it all over the hospital on to poor unsuspecting patients.

There is literally zero point because all western governments and the media are fully engaged in spreading the narrative of how well they are doing against this deadly threat, and if only people would follow their lead we could overcome the threat. Itā€™s utter horseshit, but most people believe it.

The one issue worth raising in Ireland is why are hospitals and care homes a primary source of infection, a year after the arrival of the virus. Thatā€™s the biggest scandal.


You missed the point a bit thereā€¦ It was more for the anxiety and anger of posters here who are very close to mental breakdowns rather than a solution.

The fact that so many are getting it in hospitals and nursing homes is actually disgraceful. Nursing homes, in particular, have shown themselves to be incredibly vulnerable to COVID

Via email and handwritten letter. Iā€™d normally roll the window down and stick my head out the side of the car and roar a bit of abuse but he lives more than 5kms away.

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If i got caught taking and sharing videos from work I probably would be sacked. All things considered Iā€™ve been bearing the blue surgical masks for 8 hours a day all week without the marks. They need better moisturiser

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