Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

This popped up on my YouTube this morning

Are these group that featured in the Kevin Barry book , Beatlebone ?

Never read the book so not sure

The sad thing is, this time next year or maybe the year after, ICUs will be full, a and e will be mental, there’ll be hundreds on trolleys, loads of elderly and vulnerable will be dying but it’ll be flu rather than COVID and NPHET and co will be claiming it as a big victory


No one will die of flu next year, shure no one is dying of flu this year

Please God alright.

Will they lockdown for the flu based on current policy?

We can only hope to get back to the heady days of the Irish health system in 2019

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Lockdowns are here now. This power won’t be handed back


We’ll raise a pint for that day.

Shush will you, you’ll scare the eejits on here who might believe you.

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Lockdowns for flu. Why not? They work a treat.

Dry up your arse.

Lock ins will be the new lock downs.

Lads will go buck ape.

Six more months! Six more months!

Sounds horrific. Thank God its a cod and only made up.


The latest strain that even that scumbag fergusson says may be .0003% more dangerous. It’s time some of these people were dragged onto the streets

I think people should be aiming for this time next year to get back to normality… Anything before it will be a bonus.

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We should aim for normality now

2030 is the hope for return to normality.


Ideally yes, but we don’t live in the ideal… it’s not gonna happen so taper your expectations.