Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Nothing to worry about, it’s all a cod after all.

Christ… RIP

I’m not a big fan of lockdowns but I don’t think there was any other option after Christmas. You’d expect to see progress by Easter though. If not well…

We’ll be looking at manageable numbers by March but depending on vaccine, governments will be reluctant to open fully given new variants and people will go crazy.

Well what?

Shocking number of deaths. Is there an age breakdown of them, and a breakdown of died with covid/from covid?

No need for that at all, I have some rake of gobshites on ignore, but you’re bang on pal. Just offering a viewpoint that I thought might be helpful.

So you would not have locked down on Christmas Eve at 3.00pm? You would have just kept going as we were until that juncture?

Just to be crystal clear: this option was/is your position?

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And in what state do you think Ireland would be if, four and a half weeks after that lockdown, the country had stayed as open as was the case until 3.00pm on December 24, 2020? What would you envisage as the corollary scenario on January 23, 2021, if no lockdown had transpired, as we all head out for a socially distanced meal and drinks?


Why dont you tell me what you think would have happened? Some sort of social implosion? We essentially have that now. Police are literally fining people for going for a hike.

I’d imagine there would have been a lot of cases. We locked down and we had a load of cases.

Why is that daft bint talking?

to save lives

The lads with medical degrees will be fair kicking themselves. All those years of study when all they had to do was stand in a field

“I’d imagine there would have been a lot of cases. We locked down and we had a load of cases.”

Is this craic really the best you can do? Is it actually, in truth? I am boggled, because I would find it humiliating, if of your persuasion, to come out with so pallid a statement. You purport to think about this topic a lot – relentlessly, even?

Is this craic really your optimum contribution to this terrible problem? Do you not have even the basic protocols of reasoning and logic? Do you actually believe the amount of cases (“a lot”, “a load”) is all the one?

Do you really? This observation boggles me.

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No answer, as usual. Just some waffle and an insult.

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What do ypu mean, no answer? I am giving you an answer. And it is this answer – inevitably in the form of a question, since you have affirmed a speculation about December 23, 2020 and after: would it be feasible to have everyone in Ireland heading out this evening, wherever they want to go, for (socially distanced) meet ups, meals and drinks until 12.30am? Straightforward and no waffle at all.

There is the answer. Now kindly address it – or admit you cannot, because the scenario you propose is an insult both to logic and to social cohesion.

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I laughed at that. Good one.

Yes I think people could head out for socially distanced meet ups, drinks, meals etc. I think that is preferable to locking a country down for months on end. I’m of the opinion that the effects of this lockdown will be far worse than anything COVID could have done, and they get worse the longer it drags on.

No restrictions whatsoever?
And socially distanced pints, what does that look like after midnight?

@Malarkey How long are willing to live in this form of mediocrity?