Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Throw us up your evidence based reasoning behind your new uk variant concern there lad. For a laugh like.


The UK variant is actually what makes my point, or my question. How long should we lock down for, particularly if vaccines don’t work? Forever? There will come a point where lockdowns do more harm than good. They can’t go on indefinitely

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I’d leave the country open. I don’t think the virus merits draconian restrictions. Social distancing in restaurants/pubs etc and maybe no mass gatherings


There are 2 uk variants now apparently. Just for clarity could we call the first one the 'breda variant ’ and the second one the ‘nuala variant’


Social distancing in pubs? How would that work?

The vaccines will very likely work unless new variants emerge again. We can see the end of it. Talking about going on indefinitely is bizarre at this stage. You seem very worked up and agitated and it can’t be doing you any good.

We saw before Christmas how it worked.

Keep the tables apart.

I’m fine mate. A lot of people aren’t though.

Hopefully the vaccine works and all the strains go away, but I think we need to be prepared for that not happening.

I also think locking down a country like this is just wrong.


Consistently around 9, this is going to be like a a 6 month session scouting for the ride.

At first your going for the 9s and the 8s before eventually you settle on a 0/10 or 1/10 before life can return to normal the morning after.

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The Swedish were relatively compliant and it still went arseways for them. Mick Muldoon thinks we can do a safer OIUTF than the Swedish. :smiley::smiley:

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good article in the phoenix about how RTE are making a shit load of money through advertising from the HSE during Covid, in addition as more people are home & as more people watch current affairs etc during Covid, they are making more money from regular advertisers too


Shur that was said here months ago

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I literally said it yesterday.

Massive vested interest for RTE in keeping this shite going.

Of course you said it yesterday, you read it on here months ago.

You’re fierce triggered

Yeah, you’ve mentioned that, repeatedly. Over and over and over again. It really can’t be doing you any good. Meanwhile, pretty much every European country is doing it.

Pretty much all last year I pointed out that I thought we were doing a lot wrong and should have relaxed more when we could. But we’re in a very different situation now. It’s honestly strange to me that you don’t seem to see that. You’re going on like a broken record with absolutely no consideration of the changed context.


1910 cases; 77 deaths

You’re more than welcome to put me on ignore. Or just ignore me.

We have more cases and more deaths but the principle is the same. Lockdowns can’t work. You can be an island on the end of the pacific and lockdown for months but, as soon as you open, the virus will come back. The only way out is immunity in the population. Hopefully the vaccines provide that. If they don’t, we literally have no option but to open up

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