Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

How’s all?


I’m not arguing staying open Christmas Eve.
Like most people I cancelled plans for pints before the government closed things because i exercised personal judgment and responsibility.

Those 4 year olds are real. Not straw men.


I do not want a lockdown. A lockdown does not suit me in the slightest. Quite the opposite.

Direct answer: I will abide by what the government decides, because I am not in hock to a whole load of conspiracy theories.

Now here is a direct question: why are you entitled to abrogate risk to yourself for other people?

Fucking hell. Third world shit.

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It’s only a cod.

Your right we need a bear patrol but I’m not paying a bear tax. I pay the homer tax

We’re here, we’re queer and we don’t want anymore bears

We will 100% be in lockdown next winter.

Thanks buddy. We’ve turned the corner and on the up. To be fair I think I was lucky with the severity but it’s def an odd one, different symptoms coming and going etc and always that sense it could get worse. Rest of the family are fine and we had friends/family dropping in parcels of food etc which was a great lift - if you know someone in self-isolation it’s a great boost.

Missus had a blood oximeter due to her job which was a nice peace of mind - not that expensive afaik but worth considering if anyone ends up in the same situation


I don’t say I am but equally a 4 year old not learning to read and that impact on their life and prospects is not irrelevant in weighing up risks.

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I put anyone pushing zero covid in the same category as people who claim covid is a hoax and doesn’t exist

Two extremes of lunatics


Worth having even outside Covid for peace of mind if anybody has a respiratory illness.

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So what do you think should be done, in context, for those four year olds? The context is immensely difficult.

As somone else said, 200 cases a day in September and 30 in ICU was spoken of as being worrying and unsutainable; ergo, there is no point 1.0 to build from. There will always be a problem with the figures in the current rules of the game.



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No one is talking about ‘zero Covid’. You are just a parrot with one phrase you learned from the equivalent of a drunken sailor.

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Good to hear pal… I’ll have to go Google what a blood oximeter is now and tell anyone that will listen that they are at nothing without one.


I think they should be in school. Schools were safe in Autumn until unions kicked up. If schools cannot open or won’t open then I’d expect better educators than me to be looking urgently at this cohort and how do you mitigate this beyond a weekly zoom call.

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Zero covid may be achieved if the whole of Europe and USA were on the same page. That is not the case.

You’re not fine ( sadly ).

Somebody here said we had 4 cases when social media went into outrage re Berlin Bar.

Once you cry Wolf you can’t unring the bell.