Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It was often said that people were expected to live well over 100 in the coming generations, maybe nature and dr.death is fighting back?

And where do you think the “Numbers” would be now if we had ‘stayed open’ on Christmas Eve?

Mere are you listening to the Irish media and parrots on twitter are all calling for it and shutting Borders. Neither will work when majority of clusters can be sourced back to hse run facilities

Where is your evidence that people heading out for socially distanced meals and pints were a factor in the spread of Covid? Hospitals in Ireland are riddled with Covid, is it because patients went for socially distanced meals and pints over Christmas?

There is of course no clear answer to your hypothetical question, but we have some clues from elsewhere.

Sweden has never had a lockdown, according to your wisdom they should be in far worse than Ireland. Yet Ireland has 4X the number of deaths in the past 3 days than Sweden. Why is that if absence of lockdowns cause a worse outcome? If Ireland had had a lockdown since December 1 would it have stopped gatherings over Christmas?

We have had a lockdown here (CA) essentially since last March, pubs have never been open and even outdoor dining banned again. Our strictest lockdown started in early December, yet we are riddled, and deaths at an all time high. Why is that if lockdowns work?

Contrast CA with FL if you want decent sized populations to analyze. Florida ended their stay at home order at the end of April 2020, and never reinstated it. California is similar to Ireland, we are in our third lockdown that started early December. Yet there is no statistical difference between the states in terms of overall death rates, but CA is in far worse shape currently. Why is that if lockdowns work?

The evidence is that lockdowns don’t work beyond a certain time period, beyond a few months. The only things that work are voluntary actions, keeping your distance from people, limiting time indoors where people gather like shops, wearing a proper mask, good hygiene, etc. You can’t force people to do those things, but you relentlessly encourage it. You can also put a halt to mass gatherings, which can be super spreader events.

Your “critical thinking” argument is basically that without lockdowns things would be worse. The evidence from the places that either never had a lockdown (Sweden) or abandoned them early (Florida and other US states), is they are currently in better shape than those in lockdown forever.

Faced with this evidence, you actually have no argument.


Look, zero Covid is not relevant to this discussion. Save that patter for Guy Fawkes Night – or for next summer, if you have friends in Portadown.

According to your CMO, half the people in Irish hospitals who have tested positive for Covid got infected in hospital.


Look, fuck off. You are King Kango. No interest.

Hard for your ego to take – but there it is.

You know as much about evidence as Jonathan Glynn knows about grip.

For lads like you, people like me should be able to give IQ points, like some people give blood.

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It was Pail Reid who said that and the IMNO said that that there members were part of 101 clusters in the last week all related to their workplace.

Yet its Joe public and tourists that are coming through Dublin Airport tjats causing the high cases.

Kite flying at its finest its not the HSEs fault

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I hope this vaccine or ivermectin or vitamin D or anything else is the solution but I’m sceptical now that the LIDTF crew will keep this going forever.

The peak of my evening has been a tenner on Newcastle in the PL and now their 2-0 down.

Before Christmas I was down the shebeen and a lad about 22 was dancing on the wet bar. There was 10,000 times the chance of him falling off that bar and dieing of that than from covid, could the solution be to simply the divide the population into categories depending on age and health status?

Look, Polly, I have no interest.

The 2 Dakotas are also good examples of 2 different sets of policies at work with not much discernable variance in outcome.

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Christ that’s an embarrassing retort.

No interest in facts but demand people continue to stop their lives?

If you’re being sincere, that’s very depressing.

What you are basically saying and let me paraphrase - is you are a beaten docket. Flailing like a seagull over a dumpster . You’re pathetic.


That’s because power and media attention is intoxicating for some, the medical junta plus their ‘journalist’ whores. Hysteria grabs attention in a world with huge competition for that. Where’s the level headed acceptance that you have to manage as best as possible in a pandemic.


An IQ argument now :rofl:
My IQ is 165, borderline between genius and high genius.

What’s yours?

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They’d be reasonable if the regulations were actually enforced and complied with.

But shur musha you can’t expect people to do that.

Maybe they should move troublesome publicans to other parishes.

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Impressive. I’m 160…

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