Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Lockdown harder than current restrictions? You heartless cunt.

I think the current restrictions are workingā€¦ We just need to maintain them until April 1st.

Personal responsibility is all this Island needs to be free again.

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The breda variant or the nuala variantā€™?

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Yeah - Iā€™m not disputing that but the language and picture is overly sensational I think. Itā€™s clear that the majority of people understand the seriousness of the situation.

Only way to go no more of the ambiguous essential non essential work. All but front line workers stay at home. 3 week lockdown from Friday. Stock up for 3 weeks of eating and only once a week your allowed go to the shops. No leaving the house for walks. No one allowed on or off the island afterwards. Its our only hope. Anything else is heartless.

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I was hoping one of the lidtf crowd could offer some insights here

Never gonna happenā€¦ Not in Ireland. Lads will be in the pub trying to out do the next fella. Tops off, shoes off, slobbering and farting all over the place. In and out of the handicap jacks together sharing the same rolled up 20 doing lines.


Bullet points please.

Sounds class, Iā€™m in

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These graphs from Southern American states make great comparison reads to Ireland in peak winter.

Got it in one

Two large soccer kickabouts were in progress at garryowen rugby club yesterday afternoon. Rugby is just not taking the lockdown seriously (or is it soccer?)

So whatā€™s the opinion of Alan Kelly now lads? Looking to lock the whole country down now

5km is too much. Needs to be 1km

I think their flu season starts to kick off in April time. Makes sense, 6 months gap to September here in the NH when these kicked off again.

As I said before, ANZ were blessed with the timing and the levels of the highly infectious variant of the virus got in there. Fair play to them for pursuing the policy and they have stomped out things like the August outbreak but thatā€™s all been crucial for them.

Letā€™s see how they will get on in May time if and when the even more infectious variant gets in again.

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Theres been a bit of an outbreak there over the weekend

Massachusetts is seeing similar turns even though it is peak respiratory season. Things are open, but at reduced capacity.

Further restrictions getting lifted next week.

Itā€™s almost like itā€™s exploding in places regardless of lockdowns?

The truth of this will be in the middle of the ā€œpandemic is overā€ merchants from the summer and the ā€œthis is the deadliest virus that will never run out of peopleā€.

Places like Mass and NY are interesting because they got utterly bartered first time out. Covid still demanded a response for this season with deaths and hospitalisations coming back, but not to the same degree as the first time.

Mass will be interesting as they are surprisingly more liberal than NY on restrictions. They have decent vaccination programmes and will have some of the best take up in the US so we should see more encouraging things from there soon, touch wood.