Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Sounds like a halting site

Middle to upper class house in rural Ireland. Joint income of 200k.

Imagine what the actual youth will be at.

I think we need to push quick fire antigen tests.

What did you make of the graph?

there’s a madman around
Running down underground to a dive bar
In a West End town

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He’s an awful scamp that lad


The curtains must have been twitching like crazy

You should have let the story slide, no one suspected you

Open the pubs

It’s only a cod

Blah blah blah

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Proper order fun spreads the cornavirus. The guards should have fined them and taken the PUP off their parents

I was on that very street… @Phil_Leotardo met a lovely Brazilian lad there and fell in love.

North Dakota has limits on mass gatherings and limits on occupancy in bars. Targeted, sensible, proportionate measures. They are not fining hill walkers, closing gyms or stopping kids going to school

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Well then you’ll see if the State is following a Zero Covid policy.

This is the latest. This is the 3rd hotel quarantine bust I believe, with seasonality helping them avoid widespread outbreaks. Now looking to crank of the quarantine more and order people into them before leaving their shores.

When does winter begin in nz? What months would be similar to our October? April or May?

Now this is scaremongering.

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Doesn’t make it any less true… I think we need to stay locked down until the end of March at least and we’ll be able to open meaningfully then instead of a false opening and retreating to L5 again.

Lock down the country. They are right. Look at where OIUTF has got us. Sick people clogging up ICU beds.