Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

What the actual fuck did I just watch?

I haven’t laughed as much in a while, that is amazing :joy::rofl::joy:

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Jesus that was very disrespectful

A good listen although it’s disturbing how many of his guests are gun nuts. He is in Texas though I suppose.

Don’t forget the piece about the Irish designer who designed Jill Bidens face mask.

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It’s like something out of Trailerpark Boys.

That’s fucked up. Did he get jail time for that?


They’d a match at Armageddon and settled it like men

I’m like an idiot here still chuckling away to myself after that :joy:

I don’t see what’s so funny? If that happened to you you’d be traumatized. The poor family.

At the time, but you’d look back and see the funny side, it’s lucky that the cameras were rolling obviously

I’m still knotted here. :joy:

It’s fake I think

Yeah he loves hunting himself. Did you listen to the one with Ted Nugent? Now there’s a gun lunatic. He has a special licence to shoot pigs from a helicopter with an AR15

I left the room by then. Dinner ate. Half in on the wall from giving out.

A cod more like it

Oh :anguished:

The term insiders use is kayfabe

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Was that not Tim Kennedy?

1084 positive swabs today. 8-10% decrease per day according to RTE News.

By February end, taking that 8% as the reduction rate, we’ll be at around 65 cases per day.

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NZ promotional video on RTE news now