Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Any chance of an extension?

Surely with another 6 weeks of this we will be down to very few cases and their is a chance of zero covic? Or am i totally wrong?

What has happened every time we opened up previously?

We’re in the extension.

We need to increase the fines for people out walking on their own

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He’s drunk on power, it was like a veiled threat. See that thing lots of you (on twitter) want? Well it’ll be shit and it will last a year. Accept what we’re doing or else.

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Feck all in summer

The governments of the world can’t believe people are swallowing this lockdown guff. They’ll hold on to this power for as long as possible

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We are now in the same place we were in October with cases - 1300 per day or so.

We did 6 weeks then until December and look where it got us.

You’ve completely lost it. What way were the numbers going In October?

I think to be fair he was painting as grim a picture as possible of mandatory quarantine so that people wouldn’t want it or go against the idea. He was like a scolding mother to her children saying be careful what you wish for. I dont think it worked as people seem to be of the opinion “do whatever it takes”. I would say he is genuinely shocked at the noises being made for zero Covid now given we are 12 months on from the onset of this thing and we are a month or 2 away from mass vaccinations. There is no doubt that it would be impossible to work and NPHET have even said as much. Interesting that some people say we should adhere to NPHET unconditionally but when they say Zero Covid doesn’t work they still want to pursue that strategy.

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Lads need to relax. We’ll be out of this before we know it.

He shouldn’t be surprised, the media have supported it relentlessly the last few weeks. People are just looking for any way out of this now at any cost.

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I’d say Leo would be in an excellent position to give the nation some insight into the private interests, profiteering etc that’s going on. I’m surprised claire didn’t ask


My issue with zero covid is we are an increasingly globalised country and rely on trade and travel to the continent and UK. Mandatory quarantine will incredibly damage our economy. When we reopen for the big lockdown for zero covid it’ll ramp up cases again. If the cm vaccine doesn’t stop infections we are loving with this for life, so what are we going to head back to being a backwards broke country while the Netherlands gets all the FDI?

Accepting reality of life, which is death by disease we will eventually build up immunity, the vaccine will reduce this impact. Ill be very surprised if nz and oz don’t get massive outbreaks come April may June. We will drop to fuck all and it’ll be rampant again in winter whole we scramble for another meaningful Christmas. I can’t see the logic in going zero covid unless its a worldwide effort. Its easy to scream and shout for it but when you challenge the aftermath you get no answers. My opinion drive on with vaccines, keep restrictions as is because it won’t change and concentrate on the covid hotspots where the infections are occurring (in hse environments)



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Ahhh no, just glad they’re actually doing something that the world as a whole will benefit from, and that’s a first

It is simply not achievable as DUP would veto a single island approach and it would be impossible to police a 300 mile long border with over 300 border crossings. If you look at week of 22 Jun 20 - 29 Jun 20 we were down to 7 day averages of single digit cases per day. It took 8 weeks for 7 day averages to breach 100 and when schools went back there was a sharp incline in trajectory. So even if we did get it to single figures again 1 case from north and we would be back at square one. Countries like NZ and AUS import nearly all their produce through ports by cargo vessels. With Ireland it is air, sea and land with a lot of freight and imports coming in through trucks which in turn means more people involved in supply chain. Whole supply chains would need to be redesigned in order for it to work. It is simply not practical.


Don’t believe ya😂, everyone outside of the monopoly (FF FG) weren’t the least surprised that as usual he wasn’t asked anything difficult she’s just part of the media machine paving the yellow brick Road for the smarmy rich boy to return

Yeah we portray ourselves as an open economy and open for business. It would garner a whole lot of attention globally if we were pursuing this strategy. We would be the new outlier i.e. Sweden but in the opposite sense with increased scrutiny and the risk of failure. I think the criteria for reaching covid zero is 14 days of successive zero cases. It took NZ 4 months to get down to 0 cases from a baseline of 300 or something along those lines. Ireland relies on a substantial amount of foreign labour for summer months as well which would be off the cards if we were to deploy a zero covid approach.

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