Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Common sense. Lads will still shout it down and then complain about rolling lockdowns. @Tim_Riggins would have you believe serious effort was put in by the govt for an all island approach. They handed out forms that were fucked in the bin before people exited the airport. A year later and they’re thinking about doing this shit now.

Its frightening what qualifies as a journalist these days.


This goes back to my question all along. Why are a certain percentage of the population taking all the financial hit for this while most of us are taking none? The likes of you and other on the PUP are literally giving up their incomes for the health of other people. The only thanks they get for it then is people giving out and the narrative that 350 is too much. Almost like the people making all the sacrifices for other people are the bad guys. It really is bizarre that people have taken this so easily.


Even if we got to zero cases we’d have to open up and the border counties would be riddled again in no time

There you have it. We’re all in it together folks. Except anyone who has debt and cant work, or a business with overheads that cant be allayed. Cos the banks are stopping breaks, the insurance companies did fuck all and the utilities still have to be paid.


The alternative is the current rolling lockdowns, each one being longer than the last.

Have you considered another source of income?

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No offence lads but we never got to zero influenza, headcold , pneumonia, pleurisy etc.
What fucking planet are people living on?


Wooly has it all sussed.


As much as they’d like to there’s no way the governement can ignore this. These breaks will have to be extended. On a personal level I’d happily contribute extra PAYE to help fund the extra PUP. I would expect profitable companies to contribute also.

Apologies…I think we’re at zero influenza now, assuming you’re the sort of cretinous fuckwit that believes official statistics.

Put everyone on a basic living wage…politicians, tony, claire, tubs …teachers, civil servants etc.
It would be sorted out in no time.


Ask Politicians to give up 20% of their pay and watch how quickly breaks and other incentives are brought into play

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Rolling lockdowns as opposed to rolling lockdowns then, great alternative

Yes. I retrained as a swimming teacher. Then they shut the pools…
However, I really dont want to give up the successful business I worked very hard for. I had the other fella back in before getting ready to go back on the road and we’d a load of gigs booked for Jan-March. Nowhere near as many as usual but still a decent chunk. My business will rebound when it all opens up eventually. It’s making it through to then with my family, sanity and finances intact that will be the difficult bit.


What’s your solution?

when you say people, you mean you?


Pints, pints, pints, pints… These open it up lads can’t go two posts without referencing alcohol.

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I don’t have one. Zero Covid definitely won’t work with the border we have though

A huge lack of awareness & priorities

The one that runs through houses and farms? The one with hundreds of crossings?